At the end of last winter, Huckleberry tore
apart the air pipe that channels heat from our exterior wood
furnace into the trailer. Then the stove pipe rusted
out. We were trying to hold
off on lighting our wood stove until the end of the week when we would
hopefully have the floor of the shed up and could just move the stove
there, rather than fixing it in its current location.
All weekend, I shivered in a house that barely reached 50 degrees,
baking large dinners to warm up the kitchen. Mark had a space
heater in his room, but I didn't want to break down and use
electricity. Finally, Monday morning, the interior temperatures were in the
thirties. Yikes!
So sweet Mark threw
together some short-term fixes on the wood stove and lit us a
fire. By mid morning, I took off my winter coat, sweater, gloves,
and second pair of pants. Ah, wood heat!
As a side note, you can see that our wood shed is already halfway
full. It looks like we may run out of space before we run out of
wood and will have to build a second shed. A good problem to have!