games, magazines, movies, and websites:
podcast - Mark's
still listening regularly and enjoys their high quality archives.
Carcassone: The
Discovery - I still
adore this game, probably because I've only gotten to play it a half
dozen times when Joey and I get together.
Star Trek - still one of the best
movies we've seen all year. I suspect we'll watch it again a time
or two once it comes out on DVD.
podcast - Mark
still listens to it every week when it comes out.
The Field
- He gets four stars just for showing up every day. The
information can be a bit repetitive, but Mark keeps going back for
more, watching the day by day unfolding of an American dream.
Yoga videos -
the winter retreated and yoga fled with it. I may go back to
these videos
when the cold weather returns, but we'll have to wait and see.
Countryside Magazine - seemed like a good
magazine, but I only have room for so many magazines in my life, so I
stopped reading.
Royalty free
music - Mark
thought this was cool, until he realized that it was far from
free. The music was vastly overpriced, and he won't be going back.
This post is part of our Re-Reviews lunchtime series.
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