we loved:
And were disappointed by:
Read other posts about saving seeds: |
The only thing I want to add to Anna's post about building
the ford with cinder blocks would be a close up of one of the fence
posts that we hammered in next to some of the blocks. These posts got
sunk into the ground several feet, which is what anchors the whole
structure and prevents any shifting of the blocks. If I had to build
another one tomorrow I would use the slightly chipped discounted bricks
as I'm sure now that you would get the same effect.
Here is a short
video clip of a leaf crossing the ford just because it can. I think
this leaf is proof that Autumn has established a firm foot hold back in
the woods here.
Types of Gravel
I made the mistake of
telling a friend this morning that I was going to be killing chickens
today, forgetting that she was a vegetarian. So, fair warning ---
vegetarians, you'd better move along.
Today was my third
lesson in chicken slaughter, and Mark's second. We were both
amazed by how our feelings have changed over the last few months, from
"ew, yuck!" to "this makes sense and I'm ready to do it."
Chickens have become livestock to us --- animals which you take good
care of but don't name for the obvious reason.
Today, I slit three
chickens' throats, dipped one chicken in boiling water to loosen its
feathers, cut off one chicken's feet, watched as our friends threw them
all in the automatic plucking machine, and (the hard part) disemboweled
and cleaned three chickens. There was blood --- an unbelievably
bright red pooled in the wheelbarrow where we let the chickens hang for
a few minutes and bleed dry before beginning to process them. But
the only part that really freaked me out was the second throat I cut
which I don't think I did the best job on. (And the dead chicken
smell which lingered on me until I took a hot bath when I got home.)
Mark's going to post a
video summing up the chicken processing operation this weekend, so I
won't go into the details here. I was shocked, however, by the
reactions to chicken killing videos I'd seen posted on YouTube --- a
good half of the entries used a lot of profanity to tell the
video-maker that they should die like the chicken did. Is our
society really so cut off from the food chain that we're willing to buy
a chicken sandwich from McDonalds but aren't willing to even consider
where the meat came from?
(The chickens pictured above are all still alive and kicking, by the
way, in our tractor.)
Read other posts about killing and eating your own chickens: |
Our chicken innovations have also included a homemade chicken
Yesterday was a very educational afternoon for me. It was the second
time this year that I got to see first hand how a chicken goes from
happy clucking to all plucked out in a matter of minutes. I had my
trusty video camera going part of the time and managed to capture
several of the steps in this rather detailed process.
I've decided to share two of those steps with you in this short
video clip.
I really enjoy a good chicken dinner, and I already feel more connected
to my personal link of the food chain thanks to this experience. I owe
a debt of gratitude to our friends for sharing their clever set up and
operation with us. I was especially impressed with the powerful chicken
plucker they built which is featured in the video clip above.
We have talked about taking the rest of the chicken footage and putting
together an instructional video for those who need to know more. Stayed
tuned for more information on that.
The chicken pictured is one of our Plymouth Rock cousins, and she was
not harmed during the making of this post and will most likely live out
a life of leisure here on the farm with a few of her egg laying sisters.
Read other posts about killing and eating your own chickens: |
Our chicken innovations have also included a homemade chicken
I started to write a
lengthy manifesto about how even back-to-the-landers and other crunchy
types get sucked into the consumerist trap. I wrote about how
Mark and I valiantly strive to steer clear of the consumerist world by
dumping the TV, living in a trailer, and so on and so forth...and I
could see every reader quickly clicking on an ad just to get away from
the endless drivel.
So let's stick to
specifics, why don't we? You've probably seen raised bed kits
promising you the ease of uncompacted soil which requires no tilling,
prevents the spread of crabgrass and other rooting weeds, and protects
the fertility of your garden for only $50, $200, or even $800.
This is one of my pet peeves since I can personally attest that you too
can have the delight of raised beds for the all time low price
of...drumroll please...$0!!!
The first step in
building a new raised bed is to break up the soil. I'm getting
ready to plant garlic in an area where I'd had potatoes this year, so
after I dug the potatoes I ran the chicken tractor across the new
ground for a week or two. The chicken poop will fertilize the
soil, providing phosphate which my soil is a little low on and which
garlic loves.
the chickens have been moved on to their new location, I start to dig
the aisles, mounding the dirt up onto the area where I want the bed to
be. I dig the very top layer of soil only since this is the good
stuff full of organic matter. Don't put clay in your raised
bed! The whole point is to get a double helping of top soil.
In my garden, I try to to keep beds running in perfect rows,
but this bed will be at an angle to the other beds since it would
otherwise bisect one of Lucy's paths. I've learned the hard way
that it's a lot easier to plan your beds around where the dog runs than
to try to train the dog to run somewhere else!
The first year, my raised beds ended up too close together. The
more space you have in the aisles, the happier you'll be when it comes
time to mow weeds. The picture below shows my measuring
system --- both the bed and the aisle should be as wide as the handle
of the shovel is long. (It's always handy to use your tools as
measuring implements rather than running inside for a tape measurer.)
picture to the left shows the completely dug bed. Notice that
I've dug a bit of an aisle on all sides, even the sides which will butt
up against lawn or other new beds. Aisles prevent rooting weeds
from wandering up onto the edge of your bed. Whenever I got lazy
at the edge of previous beds and let them run straight into the
surrounding "yard", I was sorry!
added a light sprinkling of wood ashes to my dirt next since garlic
likes neutral soil and my soil is slightly acidic. Wood ashes
will also add a bit more phosphate, which is a plus.
it's time to rake your bed. Pull the rake through the soil
repeatedly, breaking up any clods of dirt and pulling out roots.
The more you rake, the fewer weeds you'll have coming up in your new
bed --- rake as long as you can stand it!
fully raked bed has all of the roots and debris removed and has the
soil broken up into relatively fine particles.
I use the hoe to dig trenches into the bed. These can be very
shallow if you're planting something like carrots, and can even be
ignored altogether when broadcasting lettuce or greens seeds over the
whole bed.
use a trowel to dig a little deeper to plant each garlic bulb.
This is the same technique you might use to plant bulbs in your yard
without digging up the grass.
that I never stand on the bed and always keep my weight on the
aisles. One of the major benefits of raised beds is that the soil
doesn't become compacted because you never walk on it.
Once all the garlic bulbs are planted, I use my hoe to drag soil back
in to close up each trench. Then I tamp down the soil gently with
the back of the hoe as seen below.
is the finished garlic bed, made and planted in an hour or two at no
expense. I will add compost and mulch as needed, but won't till
up this bed again so the soil microorganisms will build up to high
bed to the right is a two year old bed which I just pulled old corn
stalks out of. I'll rake it and mulch it well for the winter,
then in the spring it'll be ready to rake and plant.
So there you have it --- a free raised bed made with simple hand
tools! I hope you'll give it a try.
A mile or two up the road and
down a steep driveway live some of our favorite neighbors. The
farm is home to two couples, a movie star, and sometimes other folks
who stay variable amounts of time in this intentional community, this
farm land trust. Due in part to our proximity and common ideals,
but also because Mark's aunt and my parents moved in similar circles
twenty or thirty years ago, they've taken us under their wing and often
include us in their community events.
Today Mark and I played
hookie in order to help the movie star harvest his sweet potatoes,
setting me off on a mental tangent about community. I asked him
today what it was like to live on the farm, and he first told me it was
"a pain in the ass" --- he is after all a movie star and thrives on
making people laugh.
More seriously, though, he compared the intentional community to a
marriage or business venture. When two or more people work
closely together in enforced proximity, he explained, they each have to
compromise a little. Living in a community helps you grow and
become a more interesting person.
In the two years Mark and I have lived on the
farm, we've started to put down roots, to build our own
community. Yesterday, I traded my unwanted potatoes (which turned
out to be Kinnebecs --- I was confused about which variety we like and
which we dislike) to my co-worker for a mass of winesap apples.
Today, we collected some honey from the movie star in exchange for
helping with his bees a few months ago, and some Yukon Gold potatoes
(the kind we actually like) in exchange for helping with his sweet
potato harvest.
In the farm world, it seems like communities are built on trades ---
trades of labor, produce, or advice. And despite the delicious
tang of those winesap apples, it's not so much about what you get as
about what you give.
I would like to thank everyone who entered our free raffle for 50
Daffodil bulbs.
The lucky winner is Holly Dukes. I shot a 15 second video of the
drawing you can see here.
We still have some bulbs left and are willing to part with them while
supplies last. You can get 20 shipped to you for 15 dollars, or for the
more value minded out there we are offering 40 for 25 dollars. Go to
our Native Plant website for
more information.
Daffodil bulbs multiply very nicey when given the right conditions, and
they keep popping up every year. They are deer and rodent resistant
because all parts of the plant contain alkaloid chemicals that are very
bitter and can be toxic if eaten.
Make sure to check back later in the week for another contest involving
strawberry starts.
Today's experiment in simplicity was cooking
an old rooster. The neighbor of our chicken-slaughtering buddies
asked them if they'd be willing to kill and dress two of his old
roosters for him, but when the neighbor came back and saw what the
dressed chickens looked like --- all legs and no breast --- he said no
thanks and left the roosters behind. Mark and I are always up for
a challenge, so we took one home to cook.
I did some extensive web searching last night, looking for some advice
on how to cook old roosters. Besides "Coq au vin", which looked
like it'd take me hours of hard work to prepare, there didn't seem to
be many choices except hints to cook it slow and long. So I
decided to make up my own chicken stew, basically pretending I was
making chicken stock and then throwing in some extra veggies at the
At 8:30 am, I put the whole rooster in a pot
of water with a few chopped onions and garlic and some parsley and
thyme out of the garden. (I've found that parsley can be
substitued for celery to good effect in nearly all recipes and is much
easier to grow!) Then I slowly simmered the budding stew for
about eight hours.
By then, the meat was falling off the bones and I was able to strain
out the solids and then remove the hard bits easily. I threw all
of the meat back into the juices, added carrots, potatoes, and sweet
potatoes and simmered about half an hour until they were soft.
Then I turned off the heat and threw in some frozen corn and peas from
this summer. A bit of salt and pepper and the stew was
done! A delicious meal for eight out of free ingredients --- our
girls wish we weren't quite so empowered.
Read other posts about killing and eating your own chickens: |
Our chicken innovations have also included a homemade chicken
I first subscribed to Sirius satellite radio a little over 3 years ago
and thought it was the best thing since sliced bread. I was doing a
fair amount of traveling at the time and it filled an empty place I was
having from the deletion of television from my entertainment diet.
In addition to commercial free music Sirius has a nice selection of
talk radio choices that allow the listener to participate in national
discusions that sometimes involve callers from other countries. In my
opinion the problem with these stations is the high level of
commercials in between your entertainment.
The real end of my love affair with satellite radio was when we got high
speed DSL internet back in the spring. It took me a couple of months to
discover the magic of cyber radio, but once I did I was listening to
the little Sirius box less and less until one day I decided it just was
not worth 13 bucks a month. What really pushed me over the edge was
when a friend told me about
This site takes most of the guess work out of choosing between the many
different shows. What I find especially convenient about this method of
delivery is the multiple time zone choices.
The real hero of my low budget entertainment world is the
good people at Netflix. We spend 14 dollars and some change each month
for the 2 movies unlimited option which usually works out to about 2 or
3 films per week. What I like most about their service is the easy to
use website and impressive selection of titles. They have a new
on demand feature that lets you watch movies instantly over the
internet. It works pretty good, but it only works with Windows XP or
Vista and then you are required to use the Explorer web browser. I've
heard they are working on a Mac option, but I wouldn't hold your breath.
Everybody knows how cheap your local library is, except when you rack up excessive late fees.
The last few weeks have had everybody
wondering about the future of our
economy. Common sense says that hard times will require a good deal of
sacrifice. It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to predict that one of the
first areas most folks will feel the squeeze is in higher fuel costs.
This post will be an attempt to share with you what I've learned about
building your own electric powered vehicle.
I'm sure everybody has seen those futuristic looking hybrid cars on the
road, and I'm also sure that only a small percentage of you have the
extra cash to spend 40 thousand dollars in an effort to save a few
dollars at the pump. There is a lot of information on the internet
these day about home made electric transports, and a good place to
begin is EV Here you can
find an easy to navigate collection
of projects including electric powered bikes, motorcycles, cars, and
trucks. There's even a guy who managed to get a small tractor working
with a golf cart motor.
The cheapest way to get moving with electric power is to convert one of
your pedal powered bikes. There are some nifty kits available that use
a small motor that attaches directly to the hub of your bike wheel.
These packages start at around 300 dollars and can go up to a thousand
and more depending on battery size and motor power. I've heard of
several people adapting starter motors to power a bike chain, and if
you're lucky you might be able to get a bike motorized for less than 50
bucks this way, but be prepared to walk home a few times before you get
it perfected.
The next step up in electric mobility would be converting
a motorcycle.
The average low end cost seems to be about 1500 dollars with some
people managing a bit under that and most going several thousand over.
You can expect to get somewhere between a 10 and 50 mile range on each
charge depending on road conditions and how good your batteries are.
The holy grail of electric locomotion would be the elecrtic car/truck.
Once you find the right car to convert and take out its gas powered
engine you should be prepared to spend at least 10 thousand dollars and
100 or more man hours to get something reliable. The maximum range
people seem to be reporting is around 50 miles, which will most likely
improve as battery technology gets better. At the time of this writting
the most popular vehicle for this type of conversion is the Chevy S-10
I considered what it would take to replace our old Isuzu farm truck's
engine with an electric motor. Once I priced the motor, batteries,
motor controller, battery charger, and other various items I concluded
that it would be easier and cheaper to just buy a used golf cart. We
found one on Craigs list a few months ago and have been pleasantly
surprised at its performance crossing our creek and dealing with the
muddy conditions here. Of course it doesn't have the same power as the
four wheel drive truck, but it's a breeze to get unstuck if you have
someone pushing from behind, and sometimes it just feels better to get
by with less.
seems that over the last three days, rainy cool weather has made the
leaves start to turn and fall. I couldn't resist snapping a few
gratuitous nature shots as I walked Lucy this morning.
I've always loved the cup-shaped spiderwebs which show up at this time
of year at the edges of fields, especially when they fill with dew and
turn into sparkling white nets in the grass.
also caught a dew-covered katydid perched on a brilliant sassafras
leaf. Although friends nearby had a frost last week, we never
dropped below 33 F, and the crickets and katydids started calling again
when the nights warmed up.
one of my all-time favorite books --- Taran Wanderer --- our hero
stumbles upon a family which provides for its members by stringing up a
big net across a river and then collecting whatever the river provides
every day. The image really struck my fancy when I first read the
book in middle school, and now as the leaves begin to catch in clotted
masses along the edges of the ford I'm inspired to try my hand at the
same thing.
Last night, I captured
enough leaves by hand to fill five 5-gallon buckets, then spread them
across the tops of my empty garden beds. Last year, I covered a
few beds in this manner and they produced the richest soil which
resulted in beautiful onions. I only covered a few beds, though,
because I had to carry the wet leaves by hand a quarter of a mile from
the ford to the house. This year I resolved to collect
more. So after I scooped up the leaves which were already stuck
to the ford, I strung up an old seine we had in the barn and left it
overnight to steep in creek water.
I went back to check on my net this afternoon, it was bulging with
its heavy load of leaves. A tiny watersnake was resting in one of
the net's folds, but I wasn't fast enough to catch it on film.
Once the snake safely slipped away into the center hole of an old
cinderblock, I gathered the seine closed and lifted it into the golf
cart, then zipped home to spread the leaves on my garden. A few crawdads
crawled out of the mulch and I fed them to our ever-appreciative
I really wanted to include a quote from Taran Wanderer here, but
unfortunately I read the first part of the series to Mark's cousin when
she was in grade school and she liked it so much that she stole the
whole compilation from me. So you'll just have to go look up the
book for yourself.... And, if you'd rather read facts about using
leaves as mulch, check out You Bet Your
Garden's page on the subject.
This week's question comes from Laura in Cincinnati Ohio.
I wanted to ask you if you have a
generator for your deep freeze? I got to thinking about this
after the storm a few weeks ago. A lot of people in the tri-state
area here would have lost their harvest without one.
I have had the same concern since I started seriously freezing food
last year. A couple of months ago I started doing some research on how
much a generator would cost us and what type we should get.
We settled on a Champion 3000 watt generator from Home It sells for 349 dollars plus 40 bucks for shipping. I
tried calling the local Home Depot store to see if I could order it and
pick it up there. The woman informed me that they only carry Coleman
generators in the store and online items had to be shipped to your
house. We placed the order 10 days ago and if everything goes as
scheduled it should show up sometime next week. Once it's here we will
fully test it and post a review to let everyone know how it performed.
It is possible to make your own generator from an old lawn mower engine
and a car or truck alternator. I found this site that provides
some advanced tips on such a project. I considered giving it a try a
few years back and decided it would cost just a bit more money to buy a
new one.
I was thrilled by the number of you who dropped your name
in the hat for last week's daffodil giveway! Mark thought I
should add a note before this week's giveaway, though --- just in case
you're worried, we don't sell your contact information, and actually
don't use it for anything except for emailing you if you're the winner.
With that out of the way, let's move on to this week's giveway --- strawberry sets!
Email me your name, email
address, general location, and how you heard about this giveaway by
Friday night and we'll put your name in the hat. The lucky winner
will be announced on Saturday, and on Monday we'll mail you 50
strawberry sets, enough to start a wonderful home strawberry
operation. Unfortunately, we can't send plants out of the U.S.
(though I've been reading the stats about the people who visit our site
and am excited to see so many international visitors. Now I know
where Moldova is! )
I won't know for sure the
proportions I have of each variety until I dig them, but I'll include
Honeoye Strawberries (the absolutely most delicious strawberry you'll
ever taste), Jewel Strawberries (my CSA customers told me this was the
most delicious strawberry they'd ever tasted, but that's only because I
kept the Honeoyes for myself), and a few Ozark Beauty
Strawberries. Honeoye are early June strawberries, Jewel are
later but still spring-bearing, and Ozark Beauties are
ever-bearing. The picture of the berries above is stolen off the
internet because my strawberries very seldom even made it into the
house. (Poor Mark needs to learn to wake up earlier if he wants
to get any strawberries....)
Although many people plant strawberries in the spring, fall planting
has definite advantages as long as you get the plants out before your
frost and give them a little care during the winter. If they get
well established this winter, you can eat the strawberries next spring
rather than having to go through a heart-wrenching season of picking
off blooms so that your strawberries will grow roots rather than set a
few berries and then keel over. Read
more about planting fall strawberries...
One of the many reasons I
could never move away from the farm is that I can be misanthropic at
times and need absolute peoplelessness around me. This has been
one of those weeks, so today when Mark went over to help the neighbors
harvest the rest of the potatoes, I stayed home and finished off Diane
Setterfield's The Thirteenth
Tale (which is one of the best books I've read in months, though
I'm not sure if it would appeal to men.)
Having savored the last page, read every word of the acknowledgements,
and pored over the author's biography, I had to give up and re-enter
the real world. Luckily, there's always something that needs to
be done on the farm. I still haven't finished planting all of my
garlic, so I built and planted two more beds, then harvested the first
peanuts I've ever grown in my life.
For those of you who don't know, the nuts on peanuts start aboveground
as flowers, then burrow their way down into the dirt to develop into
underground fruits. Despite what some folks think, if your soil
is soft enough there's no need to mound dirt up around them --- I did
no mounding and my peanut plants produced very well. Now I have
to be patient and wait a few days for the nuts to dry since newly
harvested peanuts have a mild toxin in the nuts. Assuming the
flavor is good, I'll be adding peanuts to my usual crop roster --- they
were effortless to grow, survived relatively severe deer nibbling, and
were a breeze to harvest. Stay tuned in a few days for news of my
first attempt to make peanut butter!
I've been wanting to write a post about what
we've learned from a summer experimenting with CSAs, but the taboo
against speaking honestly about money has held me back. Every
time I start the post, I realize I need to go check on the chickens, or
sweep the floor, or wash my hair. :-)
is a CSA?
CSA stands for community
supported agriculture. Basically, customers pay a certain fee for
a weekly basket of produce with the understanding that they will share
the eccentricities of the harvest --- if the cucumbers all die of
bacterial wilt (they did), then there won't be any cucumbers; and if
the winter squash produce enough fruits to feed an army (they did too),
then the customers will eat a lot of winter squash. Customers get
the benefit of fresh (organic in many cases) produce from a farmer they
know and trust and farmers get the benefit of cutting out the middleman
and being able to depend on a definite income in a risk-prone industry.Check out Local Harvest to find a CSA near you. Or, as a first step toward learning to eat local, visit our What's in Season? page to learn what's farm fresh right now. |
So let's get the money out of the way --- we've made $533 this year on
our CSA and eggs, which is vastly less than the $3,260 we've spent on
the farm this year. (Though, that last number is not really a
valid comparison since it includes everything from chicken feed and
seeds to fence materials and the generator we just bought. Gotta
keep more detailed records next year.) We would have made more,
but two of our three customers spent several months out of town.
What have we learned?
What will we do next
year? We'll stick to our one nearby customer --- having an extra
$100 every month makes everything nicer and is really no more work than
gardening for ourselves. Mark wants to try out a cash crop next
year (maybe pumpkins or sweet potatoes) to bring in a bit more "egg
money" instead.
It's almost been a year since I first discovered
Foamhenge, and I look
forward to the day when I can return. It's a good low budget day trip
if you live semi-close to Lexington, Virginia. The admission price is
zero and it's just a mile north of Natural Bridge Park with a very
pleasing view of the Blue Ridge Mountains in the back drop.
Foamhenge has been around since 2004 when Mark Cline partnered
with the
people at Natural Bridge Park to bring his vision to life. Out of all
the stonehenge replicas in this country Foamhenge is rumored to be the
most accurate when compared to the condition of the modern day original
in England.
reports that Mr Cline even went so far as to fact check his
measurements and design with the man who gives tours at the original
We have already decided to add next year's Renaissance
festival at Foamhenge to our social calender. It's going to be mid
September and the admission price will be 5 dollars. Enchantment
Faire is the name it's going by and it looks like a lot of medieval
fun complete with maypoles, human chess, and one thing I'm really
looking forward to seeing close up...a trebuchet. You may even be given
the opportunity to learn the secrets of casting a Gypsy love spell if
you are able to capture the attention of Madam Zuza, but I urge caution
when dealing with Mystics you've just meet.
The stock market is making everybody nervous these days,
and what's most unsettling for me is the multi level explanations that
are being offered up on the radio and web. I wished I had paid
more attention in Mrs Lane's Economics class back in high school. I'm
sure I'm not the only one who is a bit fuzzy on all the details of last
week's stock market crash.
Not too many people out there are using the "crash" word to describe
last week's events, but Nouriel Roubini is. He points out that
the combined equity loss of last week equals the equity loss of the two
day 1929 crash. He is also well known for predicting our current
collapse within financial circles...but he was off by two years. He was
predicting this to happen back in 2006, and when it didn't his
credibility suffered, but now everyone is paying attention to what he
has to say. I like his views on using some of the bailout money for
infrastructure building in an effort to create jobs, and his new blog is my
new first stop when I want to get up to date information on the economy
that's not sugar coated.
I woke at dawn yesterday to a rooster...duet?!?
That's right --- one of
our white cochin "pullets" isn't quite a pullet. Actually, I
wasn't shocked --- two days before, I'd noticed that one of the
"pullets" was significantly bigger than "her" sisters. The young
rooster is already growing a much bigger comb than his siblings.
And yesterday morning he started to crow in a choppy little squawk,
mimicking the adult rooster in the next tractor over.
Guess that means our
weekend plans will be a bit bloody....
After giving away, saucing, and drying two
thirds of our traded apples, I've been pondering making cider out of
the rest. Mark suggested seeing what the juicer would do with
them, but I creased my brow and denied its utility for all I was
worth. "We'll have to cut them up and it'll take hours!" I moaned, thinking of the
cider press a friend has offered to lend us.
But, in the end, Mark's reasoning prevailed. He reminded me that
another friend had tried out a similar press recently and found it to
be more trouble than it was worth. Add to that the fact that the
presses weigh a ton (not quite literally), and it suddenly looked more
interesting to try home juicing.
Despite what other folks will tell you, there's no need to cut out bad
spots, cores, or stems before making cider. Just cut your apples
up enough that they'll fit in the juicer (quarters in our case), mash
them in, and cider will come pouring out the other end. Wait a
little bit and skim off the foam and your cider is ready to
drink. (Don't fall for the government's line that you risk dying
a horrible death if you drink unpasteurized cider --- cooking the cider
makes it taste like apple juice and my stomach at least can handle a
few germs in the pursuit of good flavor.)
The end result --- both of us were right. It took me about 45
minutes to turn a fourth of a bushel of apples into a little less than
half a gallon of juice, but that's probably about the same amount of
time (or less) than it would have taken to use the press. I still
had time to crack out a bunch of raw Chinese chestnuts to make pesto
for supper (a pesto that Mark and I agreed tasted much better than
pesto made with walnuts!) Even though the garden has slowed down,
it looks like we'll be busy squirreling away apples and chestnuts from
friends for another few weeks yet.
Bane: Path of Destruction
and its recently released sequel Darth
Bane: Rule of Two
adventures into the very depths of the dark side of the force that will
give the reader a fresh new perspective on the age old battle between
good and evil. The evolution of Darth Bane from hard working cortosis miner to Sith
Lord unfolds in a way that gives you some true empathy towards our
anti-hero's path of trechery and deception. I actually found myself
cheering for the dark side as our hero/anti-hero struggles to
understand the true potential of this awesome power.
The story is set in a time three thousand years before Darth Vader and
Luke Skywalker. A period of time when the Sith numbers are many and the
rule of two is somehow lost to the ages. A rule that allows only one
Sith Lord to exist at a time with one apprentice. One to embody the
power, the other to crave it. It's pure Star Wars excitement as you get
to see the Sith Army deal with a genuine misfit and troublemaker within
their ranks. Drew Karpyshyn has a real talent for weaving intergalactic
characters together in a way that feels natural and intoxicating at the
same time.
The sequel begins the story of Darth Bane's new apprentice, a spunky 10
year old girl who has had some tough breaks in her short life. This is
the character that gives the series its balance and provides a
fantastic perspective on the dark side from a female point of
view. I would guess if George Lucas made this story into a movie
as it is the
people at the ratings board would have to give it an R rating just for
the brilliant manner in which the dark side gets depicted and
glorified. I wonder if my own personal allegience to the Jedi order
would be as strong if I had experienced this story when I was nine
years old
instead of the first Star Wars movie back in 1978?
This is my first book review, and the above links will take you to an page if you're interested in buying a new or used copy of this
story. Amazon is a solid company that has never given me any trouble
when I've ordered from them. We get a small percent of your purchase as
one of their new affliates, so thanks in advance if you choose to
support us in that way.
We have a hen that was nearly killed by the other hens and our rooster
a couple of months back. Anna was able to separate her, and we nursed her back to health. She
usually gets let out during the day after she lays her egg because she
is all cooped up by herself and we figure she can use the company.
Today we thought she was ready to go back in the main tractor and
decided to switch her out with the rooster who has been increasingly
aggressive lately. It took about 2 minutes for the group to recognize
and remember the new hen before they began attacking her. We got her
out of there before any major damage could be done and decided she
would be okay roaming around with the rooster.
It took the rooster about 20 minutes before he decided
that our free range hen needed to be eliminated. He started chasing her
across the garden and cornered her by the collapsed old house. He then
started attacking with a vengeance. We quickly returned her to the
lone coop for an afternoon of recooperation.
I think we've decided to delete the rooster from our flock. He causes
more trouble than he's worth, and we can always find another one when
we get ready to incubate some more eggs. In the meantime we'll let him
roam around and enjoy his last few days of freedom before his judgment
Take a look at Mark's
post below and then tell me what you think. So far, I agree with
Mark that we should eat the aggressive rooster --- when he tore the
inch in diameter gash out of the back of our lone hen's head a few
months ago, I just about whacked him then and there. But then
we'd be roosterless!
So, time for a poll!
This morning, Mark and I followed coal trucks
up the highway to go to court in Wise. We weren't in trouble, but
some friends of ours were --- young people who had chained themselves
to barrels last month to protest the construction of a coal-fired power
plant which is being built about ten miles from our farm, and about two
miles from another coal-fired power plant. (The picture to the
left is the power company's idea of what the plant will look like, with
a little smoke photoshopped in by me to make it more realistic.)
Unfortunately, prevailing public sentiment in our region runs
pro-plant. We passed a massive yard sign a few miles up the road
from the power plant site which proclaimed "Elect McCain-Palin --- they
support coal!" Although our region (in my biased opinion) is one
of the most beautiful spots in the world, Wise County is also the most
economically depressed county in Virginia and its residents are quick
to believe the full page ads Dominion has taken out in the local
newspapers proclaiming the riches which will flow into our region once
their power plant is built.
Those of us who submitted comments to the DEQ, spoke up at public
hearings, begged our elected leaders, and pummeled the local papers
with letters to the editor made no headway in preventing the plant from
receiving its permits (though we did reduce the permitted mercury
emissions from 72 to 4 ppm.) Eventually, hot, young heads cooked
up an act of civil disobedience. And even though I don't really
approve of civil disobedience in non life-or-death situations, I ended
up driving to the courthouse to show my opposition --- again --- for
the power plant.
In the end, the judge agreed to give the young people fines, community
service, and probation instead of the threatened jail time. Most
of them were taking time off college to come to the hearing, and they
had travelled from across the U.S. both to chain themselves to barrels
and, now, to pay for their "crime." The county ended up taking in
over $4,000 in fines and fees --- I always did say that tourism would
be our region's saving grace.
"I know what I did was illegal, but I do not think it was wrong," said
one of the young women in her prepared statement. Personally, I
know that building a dirty power plant in a region with the highest
asthma rates in the state and some of the lowest levels of healthcare
infrastructure is wrong --- I just wish it was illegal.
If you want to read more, or help out, check out some of the major
players in the battle:
While starting on supper this evening, I
realized that I could only barely read the recipe for Butternut Squash
and Egyptian Onion Soup in my recipe book because of an oil
spill. As I pondered recopying the recipe, I realized that others
might like to try some of our favorite meals.
So I put together a page with some of our favorite recipes.
It's lacking photos right now, but I'll add them in (along with more
recipes) as we cycle through the meals. For now, wave hello to
Huckleberry the cat who finally wiggled his way into a picture --- he's
been miffed ever since he noticed that he didn't make it into the
banner at the top of the page.
And after....
Our first home-made chicken dinner on the farm. We feel
I almost forgot to pull
a name out of the hat for our strawberry giveaway! The lucky
winner is ---
We only had six entries this time --- Mark tells me that not everyone
likes strawberries, which astounds me. :-) Anyway, I'll put
together a package of assorted easy flower seeds soon for our next
giveaway, which should draw all of you flower lovers back to the
fold. Thanks to everyone who entered!
I have often fantasized about using the destructive power of dynamite
on a troublesome tree stump or two, always to be brought back to planet
earth by comments like "That would be dangerous!" and "Where are we
going to get dynamite from around here?" Thanks to the good people at
Dupont you can educate yourself on the facts about farming with
dynamite by reading this very informative and well written booklet.
Turns out it wasn't all that dangerous after all, and there's a lot
more you can do on the farm then just blow up tree stumps. I won't
spoil your fun by listing those goodies here, instead I want to direct
you to the place where I found this valuable information. The home site
of John Walker. This guy has
been on the web since 1994! and has just earned a spot on my top 100
sites of all time. Eclectic would be a big understatement in attempting
to explain all the wonderful information he shares.
Three weeks ago, I thought for sure the frost
was going to come early. I scurried, I picked, I covered, I
mulched. But the temperature only dropped to 33 that night, and
then warm days set in until I forgot all about the frost.
Then, last night, the frost snuck up on me and took me by
surprise. I woke up to a sparkling white "lawn", the okra plants
drooping, the last few tomatoes nipped back. Now I scurried again
--- this time to hurry up and get the rest of my garlic in the
ground. I'd been waiting on a new garden spot to dry out from a
recent rain, but decided to save that spot for something else and
instead planted in existing raised beds (with much drier soil) which
were suddenly empty since the watermelons, green beans, and okra that
used to live there bit the dust last night.
While I planted, I was surprised to hear a steady rustling in the
driveway which materialized into two men in camouflage. I ran
inside to get Mark (and don a bra) --- it's an unusual occurrence that
we see uninvited visitors since the half mile walk to our house deters
most. These two guys were neighbors who we let hunt deer on our
property last year, coming out to see if they could hunt again.
Since the deer are vastly overpopulated in our region (and eat my
garden like crazy), we were glad to see them and quickly assented.
One of the men mentioned that he'd lost his
second job, and was also battling cancer, and has two kids to
feed. I asked if I could send him home with some produce.
Sweet potatoes? No, his kids wouldn't eat them.
Greens? He had plenty in his own garden. Green
peppers? There I hit the jackpot, since I have dozens of green
peppers which must be eaten ASAP and don't really like them. So I
picked him a couple dozen, wishing I could do more. It seems like
he should be able to get a special hunting license which allows him to
hunt out of season due to his need and the deer overpopulation....
The visitors told us that another neighbor whose property begins where
our property ends recently killed a bear and a "black panther" on his
land. I'm glad to hear that they're really here --- I know that a
real farmer would consider them a threat, but I'd rather share my
property with any large predators who can survive here. On the
other hand, I'm a bit devastated that they got shot, especially the
bear since I wonder if it was the mother of the cub Lucy (our dog)
treed this summer.
Hunting season and frost --- I guess summer is really over.
Our property is rich in water, but none of it
is safe to drink. We have two creeks which work great for
irrigating the garden and a hand-dug well which people presumably drank
from decades ago. Unfortunately, the well tested positive for
coliform bacteria.
Coliform bacteria, while not necessarily dangerous by themselves, are a
sign that the water has come in contact with the fecal matter of a
mammal at some point, and thus mean the water isn't safe to
drink. Many people who drink from shallow wells or springs build
up an immunity to the problematic bacteria, but we didn't want to risk
it, especially since it would mean that guests might get sick drinking
our water. So, for the first year and a half, we carried our
drinking water into the property a gallon at a time from a friend's
house a mile down the road.
Then came the economic stimilus checks this spring. We decided to
see if we could get our drinking water system up and running for a
couple of hundred bucks, and sure enough we did!
After researching all of the options, I quickly decided that a UV light
is the best treatment system for home drinking water --- actually, a
lot of municipal water treatment plants are moving toward UV treatment
and away from chlorine since UV is completely safe and leaves no nasty
aftertaste. The cheapest UV system I came across was the Omnipure
Pacific from We opted for the 1 gpm 6
watts sytem with ballast, and bought an extra light since the light has
to be changed about once a year.
The one thing you have to be aware of when
installing a UV treatment system is that the water needs to be very
clear for the system to be effective. Any tiny grains of dirt
suspended in the water will act as a shield, protecting bacteria from
the light and making the "treated" water unsafe. The bare minimum
is to install a 5 micron sediment filter upstream of the UV light
system so that the water runs through the sediment filter and is
cleaned before running through the UV system. You can get
sediment filters just about anywhere, but we got ours from the same
place to save on shipping. In the end, our treatment system cost
under $200.
Another thing you should consider when installing a water treatment
system is your water source. The system I've outlined here (and
also the systems used to treat most municipal drinking water) are
designed to remove only sediment and microorganisms. If you pump water from a creek which gets
pesticide runoff, the pesticides will still be in the water after you
treat it! So you're far better off starting off with
groundwater (from a well or spring) and preferably also using water
from a watershed which is completely forested.
We made one change from the normal installation procedure. While
most people would install a pressure tank which automatically kicks on
the well pump whenever it gets low and leave the UV light plugged in at
all times, we opted for a cheaper and lower power system. Mark
rigged up a reservoir above the kitchen sink to hold our drinking
water. Once a day or so, we flip the switch on the power strip
which turns on the UV light and well pump and lets the water rush
through the sediment filter and UV system to fill up the
reservoir. Then we turn off the power strip until the next
day. Used this way, we suspect our UV light will last for several
years instead of just the one promised by the manufacturer. And
now we have clean, running, drinking water piped to our kitchen
sink! No more carrying frozen jugs of water for half a mile to
the house in the winter.
I know I promised you all flowers for the next
giveaway. But...I lied.
Well, actually, I realized that I had some spare Egyptian onion sets,
and that they would have to go in the ground very soon if anyone was
going to use them. It seemed a shame to waste them, so this
week's giveaway is 10 Egyptian onion sets --- the bottom bulbs rather
than the top bulbs (which means they should bear a lot more greens a
lot faster.)
For those of you unfamiliar with Egyptian onions, these are some of my
favorite garden plants. The onions are perennials, and while you
can eat the small bulbs most people grow them for the greens --- my CSA
customers unanimously told me that even people who don't like green
onions like these greens. If you play your cards right, you can
have green onions just about all year, and after the first year the
onions will produce little bulbs at the top of the plant, each of which
can be planted and will turn into a new onion. Soon you'll have
starts to give away to your friends!
Egyptian onions are the base of one of our
favorite recipes --- Butternut Squash and
Egyptian Onion Soup. I cut them up with parsley to go in the
world's best egg salad (which I need to add to the recipe page once I
do some measuring.) They're also a great addition to a winter
salad --- basically, you can't go wrong with Egyptian Onions.
So, same drill as always. Email me your name, email
address, general location, and how you heard about this giveaway by
Saturday night and we'll put your name in the hat. The lucky
will be announced on Sunday, and on Monday we'll mail out your onions.
Good luck!
If you want a little
reading to go with your breakfast this morning, check out Michael
Pollan's most recent article in the New York Times: Farmer
in Chief. Or, as we did yesterday at lunch, listen to his interview
on Fresh Air.
Some of what Pollan says is old news, but he also has some really cool
ideas, like a program which requires mitigation when prime farmland is
turned into subdivisions just like wetland mitigation. Or
redefining "food" so that "junk food" no longer fits the definition and
can't be served in school lunches, bought with food stamps, etc.
Check it out --- especially the specifics which start on page 7.
My mother and sister live in town, but manage
to grow quite a bit of food in their backyard. Maggie (my sister)
sent me this photo today showing some of the peppers and tomatoes they
harvested just before their first frost.
There's been a lot of talk lately (or maybe I've just started to
about urban gardening --- in the article I read this morning, Michael
Pollan wrote about ripping out part of the White House lawn to grow
organic veggies; the Freedom Gardens
website brings the idea of the victory garden into the twenty first
century; and urban homesteading has suddenly become a household word
thanks to Kelly Coyne and Erik Knutzen's book The
Urban Homestead: Your Guide to Self-sufficient Living in the Heart of
the City.
So, in the spirit of learning more about people who don't happen to
have 58 acres to grow in, I thought I'd put together a little poll....
We were invited last year to split a large order of shitake mushroom
plugs by some friends and it turned out to be a very productive
project. You need to cut some hard wood logs into 3 or 4 feet sections
and then drill about 50 holes in each log. The next step is to hammer
each shitake plug into one of the holes, pushing it in just below the
surface of the wood. Then you pour some hot wax over the hole to seal
it up and wait 6 to 9 months. We use a small kiddie swimming pool to
soak the logs in water which stimulates fruiting. Our total number of
plugs was around 500, which was a nice amount, but since they taste so
good as a pizza topping I think we might double that when we get ready
for the next round of plugging.
According to the Shitake
Center some researchers have reported that a daily diet of 9 grams
or 10 medium sized mushrooms can lower blood cholesterol levels as much
as 45 percent. A highly purified polysaccharide fraction is being
extracted from shitake mushrooms in Japan and is being used in
conventional cancer therapy. Mushroom extracts have become the leading
prescription treatment for cancer in Japan and parts of China.
Lentinan is what the shitake extract is called and it is generally
administered by injection and has been used as an agent to prolong
survival of patients in conventional cancer therapy.
Shitake mushrooms are listed as having antifungal, anti-tumor, and
antiviral effects (The Biology and Cultivation of Edible Mushrooms) and are
known to contain all eight essential amino acids in better proportions
than soy beans, milk, or even eggs. Top that off with a good blend of
vitamins A, B, B12, C, D, and Niacin and you have one heck of a food
staple that's easy to cultivate and delicious to consume.
First we're sacraficing
roosters, now I find myself walking widdershins around the garden
sprinkling a foul-smelling fluid on the ground. I haven't
resorted to
witchcraft, though, in my attempts to repel the deer --- it just looks
like it.
We're trying a new technique in our ongoing battle against the deer ---
sprinkling aftershave where the deer are entering our garden. We
got the idea from a landscaper who told us to go to the dollar store
and buy three different kinds of cheap cologne, aftershave, soap,
etc. The trick seems to be variety, so we plan to use a different
kind every week or so. Today I
circled the whole garden with the foulest aftershave I've ever smelled,
and I was certainly repelled. Now we'll just have to wait and see
the deer think of it!
Rather than turning this into one of those massive blog posts I'm
guilty of, I'm putting a rundown of all of
the deer repellant techniques we've tried on our new resources
page. Check it out!
We finally solved the deer in
the garden problem, and the solution was so elegant we gave it a new
website. Check out our deer
deterrent website for free plans! |
I finished up my assignment for class, Mark came in with a big smile on
his face. I looked up, questions in my eyes.
Then I jumped to my feet, pulling the speaker cables off the desk in my
haste. There in his hand was....
...our first pullet egg!
That's right, the little girls have
started to lay. The first eggs are always a bit small, but we
know they'll get bigger and more numerous. Soon we'll be swimming
in eggs!
The first garlic shoots have slipped up
through the leaves 19 days after going into the ground. Already I
can see a difference between the chunky shoots on this year's garlic
and the spindly leaves which came up from the grocery store garlic I
planted last year.
After my garlic failure this summer, I did some reading and learned
that it's imperative to pick a garlic which is suited to your
climate. Not only that --- you should choose bulbs which were
raised as close to you as possible since it can take multiple years for
a variety which can grow in your region to acclimate if your specific
bulbs were raised a few thousand miles away.
So this time we covered our bases, choosing five varieties from Southern Exposure
Seed Exchange which is at least in state, even if it is 300 miles
away. So far the results are promising, though as Mark noted
we'll have to wait until we taste them all this summer to see if our
experiment was a success. For now, I'm enjoying watching fat
garlic shoots reaching for the sky.
You know you're living in paradise when you go
on vacation but leave early to go straight home....
Mark and I spent the last day and a half sharing a cabin with some
friends on a mountaintop a few hours away. We relaxed in front of
a warm fire while fog encircled us and wind roared across the
roof. Brilliant yellow and orange leaves spun outside the windows
as we shared a homemade feast derived from each of our farms.
And then Mark and I, by mutual consent, scurried home early. Lucy
bounded out to meet us with her whole hindquarters flapping from side
to side, the rooster crowed a welcome, the chicken coops yielded up six
eggs, and Huckleberry jumped into my lap and hasn't moved far since.
It's good to be home!
We have a four ton hand winch that really pulls more than its own
weight around here. Some folks refer to them as a "come along", I call
ours an essential tool for pulling a truck out of the mud, stretching
barb wire tight, or bringing down an old house as you can see in this short video
clip. There are several varieties to choose from. The ones
rated for two tons can be had for 10 or 15 dollars; we got lucky and
found a four ton model for only 20 bucks at the Bluff City flea market.
You should expect to pay somewhere between 35 and 50 bucks for the four
ton if you want to order
it online.
I have a designated gear bag for our winch that includes a heavy duty
tow strap, a ten foot stretch of cable with loops on each end, and a good old fashioned chain. These items are
needed to attach your winch to a tree, heavy duty vehicle, boulder,
etc. Extreme care should be taken when operating any type of winch
where several hundred or thousand pounds are being held. The cable can
end up holding a tremendous amount of potential energy, and if there is
break or slip then that energy needs to go somewhere, and if you're in
its way it might be the last mistake you make. I try to imagine the
path the cable might take if it did break, and stay clear and make sure
any bystanders are plenty out of the way.
Simon Faure invented a new kind of hand winch during World War 2. He
named it the Tirfor and due to its unique design these winches
are capable of working in any position, horizontal, vertical, or
angled. What really sets the Faure winch apart from a simple come
along is its shear pin. When the machine reaches 125% of it's capacity
a metal pin inside the winch breaks, alerting the operator that any
more pulling would be dangerous. Replacement pins are stored in a
compartment on the handle. Be ready to pay between 300 to over 1000
dollars for such a tool. More details can be found at this website.
I'm inspired by
Sherilyn's hard work at rooting out the environmental catastrophe which
is the American lawn! Stay tuned for another giveaway soon....
Jim from Michigan wrote in to ask "Do you hunt?"
I have recently come to the conclusion that hunting around here makes
good economic sense if you're a meat eater in this region and you have a
freezer. We are in the process of shopping for a more suitable gun and
have come to a bit of a fork in the road. 40 caliber or 9 mm? Any
feedback from our readers would be appreciated.
The main factor in choosing to hunt is wanting to take an active part
in the deer management problem in these parts. Another big reason is the self
sufficient element of not relying on the grocery store for all your
protein needs and having a desire for a more pure meat experience. I
guess one more reason would be to someday enjoy a wild turkey dinner
since all the hunters I talk to keep going on and on about how juicy and
tasty a wild turkey is compared to the farm raised ones you get at the
I know everybody has heard this before, but I'm going to say it again.
Keep all firearms well out of reach from any cats you may have hanging
around your place. A cat cannot be trusted with a gun of any type.
It's a well known fact that a dog would never even think of shooting
its master...but a cat...well let's just say that a cat's loyalty is
sometimes shaky at best.
Last week, I posted a quiz
asking our readers about the size of their vegetable garden. I
wasn't really surprised that 75% of the respondants use less than 40%
their potential growing area as a garden of any kind. I was
surprised by the reason, though --- time.
retrospect, I shouldn't have been so shocked. Even Mark and I
become starved for time, despite the fact that we strive to live as
minimally as possible and only work 25 hours per week outside the home
between the two of us. So I couldn't resist checking out one of
last year's New York Times bestselling books --- The
4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich. As the blurb on the back says,
"This step-by-step guide to luxury lifestyle design teaches how Tim
went from $40,000 per year and 80 hours per week to $40,000 per MONTH
and 4 hours per week."
I found this book revolting, edifying, and inspiring. Nice
combination, eh?
days before Halloween and it's snowing! Already, tiny flakes are
sticking to the strawberries (and to Huckleberry's back before I let
him in at the kitchen window.)
In my world, good things happen when it snows, and since the flurries
started yesterday afternoon the good has been piling up.
First came Brandy and Mike's baby, Willow Anne,
born early yesterday morning...
Then I got my first-ever freelance grant-writing gig at a board meeting
last night.
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!
A red letter day --- off with
the space heaters and on with the fire! With the temperature
hovering around 40 all day, Mark decided to fire up the wood stove this
afternoon. Now it's warm as toast inside.
This was another one of those gargantuan entries, so instead I've
posted the complete how-to (and
why) on installing an exterior wood furnace over on the resources
page. Check it out --- and stay warm!
The editor of the 1902 Old Farmers Almanac
was kind enough to share an energy saving tip that was sure to save the
average home a fortune in home heating costs. The trick was to toss
your log out a two story window, run to get said log, quickly make your
way back up the stairs and repeat the procedure. If you're the type that
enjoys this kind of twisted humor then perhaps you might want to check
out the new online version of
this famous almanac.
This year's version of the Old Farmers Almanac is predicting cooler than
normal temperatures for this winter and suggests we are in for a 50
year cycle of colder winters.
Predictions are made at the almanac from a complex and secret formula
devised by Robert B. Thomas in 1792 that takes into account sun spot
activity and other solar events. Their results are almost always close
to 80 percent accurate, which makes it worth checking out in my
In the last week, the
world has turned gray --- time to start visualizing summer
flowers! For this week's giveaway, I've put together a packet of
each of our easiest annual flowers --- Mexican sunflowers, marigolds,
pink and white cosmos, zinnias, and fennel. To plant them in the
spring, just rake the soil a bit and toss the seeds on the ground, then
ignore them until the beautiful blooms start attracting butterflies and
beneficial insects. (It's best to put the fennel, Mexican
sunflowers, and cosmos where you want them to stay since they'll
self-seed from year to year.)
So, same drill as always. Email me your name, email
address, general location, and how you heard about this giveaway by
Saturday night and we'll put your name in the hat. The lucky
will be announced on Sunday, and on Monday we'll mail out your flower
We promise not to do anything with your contact information except
email you if you're the winner. Good luck!
Why should we grow our own rice? It's one
of the cheapest food staples
at the store and it's never out of season. I have not given small scale grain
production much serious thought until I ran across a group called
Amberwaves. They have started
a small movement of citizens, gardeners,
and farmers who speculate on a not too distant future where pure
organic grains are no longer available. They fear many heirloom
varieties will be squeezed out of our delicate ecosystem in favor
of stronger, higher yielding, genetically modified products that
promise a bright future if you believe the latest corporate machine promises.
There are a few places
on the internet
that will take you through the
steps you need to get your rice started. You will need plenty of
sunsine, and plan to do it during warm weather. Expect to wait 90 to
120 days before harvest. It seems the most difficult part of rice
cultivation is keeping a constant level of water on your crop.
You might not be able to grow enough to meet all your grain needs, but
you can feel good about doing your part to keep that specific variety
of organic rice alive and kicking and pure. That is unless you have a
neighbor within a few miles growing a genetically
modified product.
Then you run the likely risk of having your back yard rice contaminated
by its stronger and more popular rival. If this does happen you
might want to make sure that same neighbor isn't one of those "Mad
Scientist" types we keep reading about in the newspapers. If you do
live next door to a crazy scientist then you might want to consider
moving before your vegetables start re-thinking their position on the food chain.
If late summer got away from you and you never
managed to plant a fall garden --- join the club. Luckily, you've
got one more chance at planting something easy and delicious that will
feed you well into December.
I finally got around to planting my last lettuce bed of the year
yesterday, using the cold frame technique I learned from my
father. Check out my easy lettuce
planting page to learn how to plant your own winter lettuce.
Or, if you don't have time to grow lettuce this fall, check out my in-season salad ideas
(and suggest your own.) Either way, now's the time for lettuce!
One question I have had since I started my journey into the chicken
world is how can a guy supplement the laying pellets we get from the
feed store. A 50 pound bag usually costs about 11 dollars, which is a
good deal if you're a small time poultry person. You seem to only
get a price break if you buy the individual ingredients by the ton, and
that's way out of our league.
Today's experiment will attempt to find out if it's cost effective to
sprout some pinto beans from the store at 35 cents a pound and use them
to supplement the laying pellet mixture. Sprouts are a good source of
amino acids, vitamins, and calories, which according to a Backyard
Poultry article will increase our winter egg yields and boost our
flock's immune abilities. The picture is step 1. Soak beans for about 8
hours. I will post more about this when the beans make it past step 2,
which is to rinse daily and wait for sprouts.
This post is part of our Sprouting Beans for Chickens series.
Read all of the entries: |
Katrina Van Tassel
sends us a question from Sleepy Hollow, Connecticut:
Is it possible for chickens to "turn bad"
and possibly cause harm to the farmer?
Good question, Katrina. Most people don't know this, but chickens can
be especially hazardous during the Halloween season. The danger
is caused by a freak astronomical event that somehow temporarily
increases the intelligence factor of every 7th hen. This alone is nothing
to worry about, but if that super hen is allowed to cackle out
commands to her sisters, then you're in can be seen in
the picture provided. Please keep all cutting tools well away from the
chicken coop for at least the next few days. Expert opinions vary on exactly
how long this effect will last.
Unlike most of you, I wasn't raised on peanut
butter. I can remember when I first tasted peanut butter as a
child --- freshly ground in the machines at the GNC in the mall.
The gunky paste quickly became one of my favorite foods and I was
thrilled to eat peanut butter sandwiches in my lunch box for years.
Here in rural Virginia, though, real peanut butter is hard to come
by. Instead, the shelves in the grocery store are full of jars of
hydrogenated vegetable oil, high fructose corn syrup, masses of salt
--- oh, and a few peanuts.
Today was the first time I tasted real peanut butter in years.
Yum! It was worth every minute of shelling those wiley
nuts. Check out my guide on how to make
peanut butter (from raised bed to bread) on the resources page.
Also, if any of you have any bright ideas on how to shell peanuts fast,
I'd love to hear them!
We don't get
trick-or-treaters back here in the woods, but we do have a young
visitor. Curly is a neighbor's dog who's spending the weekend
with us while his owners are out of town. As Mark and I ate
supper, we
watched Lucy and Curly dive into the compost pile in search of a
shrew. I'd been meaning to turn that compost pile!
Please let me know if this video doesn't play for you. I'm new to
the world of video! You might try right-clicking on this link and
down-loading the video, if necessary.
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About us:
Anna Hess and Mark Hamilton spent over a decade living self-sufficiently in the mountains of Virginia before moving north to start over from scratch in the foothills of Ohio. They've experimented with permaculture, no-till gardening, trailersteading, home-based microbusinesses and much more, writing about their adventures in both blogs and books.
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