Time for a quick state
of the farm report:
Cat status: Two feet apart from each other and fifteen feet away from
me. No hissing!
Chicken status: Pullets are laying well. Old girls are barely
laying and may soon be destined for the pot.
Garden status: A deer snuck past our predator eyes just before the new
year and ate up the last of our greens. So the only fresh things
we're eating out of our garden at the moment is Egyptian onions.
Luckily, our freezer is still two thirds full, so our weekly grocery
bill is pretty low. I'm already starting to think of spring
planting --- just a month until I can put in peas!
Water trench: I gave up on the trench because it hurt my carpal tunnel
too much, but Mark's been digging away at it. As you can see,
he's making major progress!
Weather: Gray. I dream of sunshine....
Creek: Coming back down.
Freelance work: Tricking in nicely.
Book I'm supposed to be writing: I'm actually writing it! Whipped
off the rest of chapter two last week.