bees have been in a bit of a honey
flow lull, so I was
surprised to see serious activity around the hives Sunday despite
drippy weather. A quick jaunt through the woods, though, turned
up the culprit --- Sourwood. Tiny white bells scattered on the
forest floor were the only indicator that the trees were in bloom.
We don't plan to harvest
any honey this year, but if we did it might be worth trying to taste
some sourwood honey. Slow
Food USA has an
entire page about the honey, including this tantilizing quote:
Most honey is made
by bees. But sourwood is made by bees and angels.
The page also
answers a question I've always wondered about --- how can beekeepers
sell you "clover honey" or "sourwood honey" when bees are constantly
checking out alternative food sources? Honestly, I can't see
myself ever jumping through the hoops necessary to get pure sourwood
honey, but you never know....