We are weighing the
advantages of expanding foam compared to concrete.
Do you have any experience
replacing concrete with Sika Fence Post Mix?
The price seems a little over
twice what concrete would cost.
The bag says a 33 ounce bag
can equal two 50 pound bags of concrete mix.
While I am not familiar with with this particular product, I have worked with 2-component polyurethanes for 20+ years.
First thing: wear gloves and safety glasses! The components can sensitize your skin and cause eye damage. Curing polyurethane is very sticky and can get very hot.
Don't wear your good clothes. The only way to get hardened polyurethane out of your clothes is with a pair of scissors.
Once you've mixed it, the material will start foaming. So don't wait with opening the bag.
Don't use polyurethane in post holes with standing water. Water will make it foam much more.
Also, don't pour the mix in enclosed spaces like inside a wall cavity. If contained, the foaming pressure can literally press your wall apart.
If you dig a nice irregular hole, this stuff should have no trouble fixing the post.