I get so caught up in the flow of seasons,
always joyously anticipating the next one along the chain.
Yesterday, I noticed that the darkness was already coming later --- 6
pm and Mark and I were still out preparing firewood for the
night. Walking Lucy, I found mole salamander tadpoles drifting
under the ice in floodplain puddles, their feathery gills sucking
oxygen out of the frigid water. Signs of spring on the last day
of the year!
Inside, we harvested the first tomato off the plant Daddy gave us at
Thanksgiving. I've had zero luck with growing tomatoes indoors in
winter until this plant came along. But this is a hybrid variety
carefully bred for indoors life. Daddy paid fifty cents per seed
for his start, but quickly learned that he could keep the plants going
indefinitely by taking cuttings (one of which he gave me.) Our
house is really too cold even for this little guy, and about 70% of the
flowers don't manage to set fruit, but I'm curious to see how long I
can keep it going.
Happy New Year, everybody! I have a feeling that this year will
be the best one yet!