Despite being a
vegeholic, I have to admit that the prettiest part of the
garden right now is the flowers. Our chamomile and columbine are
full bloom, and the first brilliant red poppy unfurled its petals
Wednesday morning. It's hard to walk through the yard without
having my eyes drawn to that splash of red.
But the most exciting
flower is white and relatively small, sitting atop a pea vine.
Juicy pods are now only days away, and they promise to spice up our
current garden diet of lettuce, greens, pea
tendrils, kale
flowers, mushrooms, Egyptian onions, parsley, fresh eggs, and
slightly woody overwintered carrots and parsnips. The best thing
about eating in season is that when you're starting to get sick of
collards every day, something new pops up to tempt your palate.