I'm still in the learning stages with my new high-tech, indoor seed-starting setup.
But so far, I've been very pleased with my results. In fact, seedlings
that usually wouldn't be ready to set out for another two weeks are
begging to be transplanted. Here's hoping that after this current cold
snap, I'll feel comfortable putting cabbages, broccoli, and onions in
the ground.
Speaking of onions, I'm
beginning to see why this has always been my hardest crop. While other
seedlings have been doing a little better in the store-bought potting soil than in the stump dirt,
the difference in growth among the onions is like night and day. I'm
guessing onions are particularly sensitive to salts and I'd been putting
majorly subpar specimens in the ground in years past.
Of course, there are still growing pains. I set the fan
too close to the seedlings at first and nipped back some of those onion
seedlings. Now I've settled on 18 inches away as a good distance to
keep air circulating and harden off the baby plants a bit without
desiccating tender leaves. Live and learn!