March dawned cold and wet --- I hope the month
remembers to go out like a lamb. We scrambled to come up with
firewood, lucking upon a fallen Black Locust snag which was dry and
burned hot, though split only with much effort. Warmer weather
had better come soon or we'll be out of seasoned wood!
I spent most of the weekend lounging on the couch with the cats,
engrossed in my forest gardening book. Sunday evening, I pulled
my head out of the clouds long enough to walk Lucy, catching a glimpse
of a sleek mink by the creek which slipped into a hole before I could
get the camera out of its bag. Back inside, I checked out my
broccoli and cabbage seedlings, which are growing well (though a tad
leggy). Most have one true leaf and this one is already working
on leaf number two.