We're in the midst of harvest season on the
farm, gorging ourselves on things like cucumbers, watermelons, and
lettuce while freezing
masses of everything else. So far this week, I've put away a
quart of okra, a gallon of green beans, and about half a gallon each of
pesto and pizza sauce. Still on the horizon for tomorrow are
broccoli and more green beans.
Despite plenty of other farm chores, I stole Wednesday afternoon to
visit the intentional community where my movie star neighbor
lives. There, an ex-nun and I splashed in the river, counting
critters to determine the water quality. Stream sampling was my
very favorite part about my old job, and I was thrilled to realize that
when I'm not getting paid I can do the fun stuff (play in the water and
count the bugs!) rather than just training other folks to do
them. In case you're curious, the river passed with flying
colors, chock full of mayfly larvae.
It was even fun when the ex-nun's car got stuck in the mud and we had
to call the movie star to bring the huge rusty tractor and pull us
out. He and I talked bees while she and I talked blight, then I
headed back home to our own harvest.
Shame-faced plug: Check out
the homemade
chicken waterer that funds this blog.