Grafting lessons
I finished up the last
of the grafting and pruning Wednesday when another round of scionwood
came in the mail. The
first pear I frameworked last week has been converted to
Seckel, but I frameworked the second pear with two separate
varieties. One was Comice and the other was described as follows:
"I'll also include an unknown pear that
was marked as Comice and no one yet even in pear country can identify
and most think it is the best they have ever tasted."
(How could I turn
something like that down?)
Meanwhile, I changed two
other trees into fruit
cocktail trees by
grafting a new variety onto one limb apiece. Both trees were
already pretty big, so I don't know how tough it'll be to make sure the
newly grafted twigs have adequate growing area, especially since I
added a plum limb to a peach in one case. (I had swapped for plum
scionwood thinking I'd add it to
Methley plum, but she's ailing and might get yanked out, and I didn't
want the scionwood to go to waste.)
Here's what I learned
during my grafting afternoon:
- Slowly but surely, I'm getting better at making the right
cuts. It is tougher to
graft onto a tree in the ground than to bench graft, though.
- Grafting knives are sharp! See bandaid. (Don't worry,
Mom, it's only the equivalent of a paper cut.)
- Parafilm
grafting tape is easiest to use if you prestretch it before
starting to bind your grafting wound.
- Trowbridge's
grafting wax is excellent around a little cleft graft and not bad
on the tips of scionwood.
Now I just have to
pretend to be patient until everything starts to leaf out.
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Anna Hess and Mark Hamilton spent over a decade living self-sufficiently in the mountains of Virginia before moving north to start over from scratch in the foothills of Ohio. They've experimented with permaculture, no-till gardening, trailersteading, home-based microbusinesses and much more, writing about their adventures in both blogs and books.
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