One of the best pieces of gardening advice
I've heard this year is: your very first gardening priority should be
the harvest. It's easy to get caught up in the gardening
locomotive at this time of year and put weeding, mowing, watering, and
planting at the top of your list. But the whole point of the
garden is the food, right?
Tuesday, we had an all garden dinner --- corn cooked for thirty seconds
in boiling water so that it just turns yellow but there's no time for
the sugars to convert to starch, Masai green beans
sauteed in a little oil with six cloves of garlic, a cucumber and
tomato salad dressed lightly with balsamic vinegar, and fried eggs for
protein. The only parts of our meal which came from elsewhere
were the tomatoes (homegrown by Mark's buddy), and the oil, salt,
pepper, and balsamic vinegar. This is what gardening is all about!