Unless March changes
personalities fast, we're going to run out of dry wood just a hair
before we run out of cold weather this year. While that sounds
like a bad thing, this past winter is the first one where I've kept the
trailer warm all the time (above 55 most days and above 40 most
nights!), so I consider it a major success.
On the other hand, I
still don't know how much wood we burn per winter. As usual, we
went into the fall with our woodshed only partially full and had to
hire Bradley to cut up a huge standing
sycamore to make up
the difference. As we split the sycamore, we stacked
it directly on the front porch, so I never got a
measurement of the amount of dry wood we started with, either in cords
or as a fraction of the woodshed.
My goal is for the
winter of 2013-2014 to be the one where I actually get an idea for how
much wood we burn. To that end, we've already got a couple of
rows of walnut and box-elder in the back of the shed and will be
filling up the rest as soon as the floodplain becomes passable and the
golf cart comes back into action. I've really enjoyed having dry
wood all winter this year, so hope to fill the shed in time to have the
same luxury next year.