sent me a fun birthday package full of odds and ends of crafting
supplies. The pieces that spoke to me immediately were two chunks
of fleece fabric cut into the shape of a hat. I figured, why not
sew them together and have headgear for hunting season?
Of course, I couldn't
help getting a bit fancy, which turned out to be my downfall.
After sewing the two pieces of fleece together, I cut a bit off another
piece of fabric Mom had given me (from somewhere far away --- want to
remind me where this came from, Mom?). The idea was to attach it
to the bottom and inside of the fleece so I could fold the bottom of the
hat up to have a different-colored brim.
What I didn't take into
account is that the other fabric lacked the fleece's stretch, and that
the fold took away some critical millimeters of head space. So my
final hat was too tight to beat out my old standby, shown on the left
and bought by my mother-in-law at a goodwill about five years ago for
fifty cents. I guess I'll have to give the don't-shoot-me hat to
someone a bit less big-headed than me.
Maybe that cloth came from Panama or Guatemala.. . You can always just take it apart and fix it!