appreciate everyone weighing in with their pros
and cons about the Walden book club. Even though the votes
were approximately evenly split, I think we're going to carry on, with
a couple of subtle changes. First, I'll start making my sum-up
post at lunchtime so we're not watering down the koolaide. And,
since I'm telling you this so late in the week, I think the deadline
for next week will be Wednesday instead of Monday.
I have to admit that the
decision to carry on is entirely selfish. I know I won't finish
Walden without you, and I hate to stop reading books in the
middle. Plus, I'm really getting a lot out of hearing analyses
from people who disagree with me.
Those of you who gave up
in disgust might consider just skipping the beginning and starting with
chapters 7 and 8 (The Bean-field and The Village). I feel like
the book is gathering steam as we pass the halfway point, and you don't
need to worry you missed anything.
Let the reading begin!