This post is to remind us to harvest
carrots a little earlier next year.
Turns out there was some sort
of grub that got into a few, and then spread when we had them stored in
the refrigerator root cellar.
A half hour of scrubbing and
cleaning was needed to weed out the yuck.
Deb's comment intrigued me, I'd never heard of wire worms, but I found this really great PDF about them. It even has suggestions for non-chemical management! file:///C:/Users/d0442ft/Downloads/FINAL%20wireworm%20pnw607.pdf I couldn't find anything anywhere about their home range, so unless you've seen them and know it's wireworms, that's a largely academic pdf.
Hi All,
I am wondering what is missing in the soil or bug population that makes the produce have this problem?
Julius Henzel [bread from stones] suggests that granite dust is a pretty good soil fixer. I have also had good luck with fresh sea water, seaweed, and sea shells.
A detailed soil test might also give some clues [Logan Agridyne III or similar].