My second paperback has a cover, a publication date (March 3) and a preorder page! I'm not entirely sure whether I like the image, but then, I hated The Weekend Homesteader cover...until it slowly grew on me over the years so that I now find it delightful (yellow boots and all).
And Skyhorse has done a great job producing a full-color book priced at
a steal (marked down to $11.55 at the moment), so grab one while
they're hot!
In other book news, the ebook version of Trailersteading
is on sale today for $1.99. I haven't uploaded the expanded and
revised version yet (still waiting on print-quality photos from a few
contributers --- you know who you are and will get email nudges next
week). But if you buy now, you'll automatically receive an updated
edition this winter when the new version is available, and will have
saved 50% off the cover price in the process. Of course, you could
also wait for the paperback, which will be coming out in fall 2016.
Thanks for putting up with a day of self-promotion. I can hardly wait to see the interior of The Naturally Bug-Free Garden,
and I suspect you'll have to bear with a glowing post about that
too. I promise that serious content will return shortly to a blog
near you.
Substituting "chemicals" with e.g. "insecticides" would be both more specific and more accurate.
Fed by a lack of knowledge/understanding there seems to be a blanket fear of "chemicals" doing the rounds in both mainstream media and on blogs. Additionally there is the distressingly common habit of "chemicals" being equated with "artifical/man-made" and therefore "bad" on the one hand and "natural" being equated with "good".
As usual in these cases, reality is much more subtle and complicated.
We eat, breathe, transform and excrete chemicals. We live because of chemical processes in our bodies. A body without certain chemical processes would be, well, dead.
Most if not all of the compounds that are manufactured industrially can also be found in nature. E.g. ethanol (commonly known as alcohol) is procuced by yeasts and penicillin is produced by fungi. And the list of perfectly natural compounds that can kill you even in small doses would be very long. One cannot distinguish between ethanol made by e.g. fermentation or by the hydration of ethylene. Both behave the same. The distinction between man-made and natural is plain silly.
The danger of compounds depends on exposure. E.g. the dangers of overconsumption of alcohol are well-known. But a moderare comsumption is not harmful and can even be beneficial.
So please, stop help spreading the phobia! (Having vented my spleen I'll get off the soapbox now.
Emma --- Glad you like it!
Roland --- I know what you mean. I wasn't terribly keen on the wording, but my publisher liked it and I tend to let them do whatever they want with the outside of the book as long as they let me do whatever I want with the inside of the book....
It is still your name on the cover...
Sometimes you have to put your foot down and stop the stupid before it spreads. But that's just my two cents.
It's even more ironic when you think about all the compounds that plants produce to make them toxic/unattractive to predators. The same goes for the careful micronutrients balancing that you've done. It's all "chemical".