over at Boing Boing has a nice book review which pointed me to Rick
Lieder's amazing nature photographs.
I've been really enjoying his collection online and feel a bit inspired
by the fact that he doesn't use high speed film or any fancy tricks to
capture moments like in the picture here.
I spent a busy weekend as a new board member of Appalachian Community
Fund sifting through applications and deciding as a group which
ones best fit the vision of social change by encouraging grassroots
networking in the Appalachia area. I'll speak more about this in the
future as I become more experienced with the organization and the grant
making process.
In the meantime, if you're looking for a good cause that's serious about
working to overcome the underlying causes of poverty and injustice in
Central Appalachia then I suggest you consider ACF for your next
charitable donation. I can personally vouch for this group and assure
you that it's on the complete up and up. It's a no frills way of
getting much needed money to groups in this area that have always
struggled with unusually high levels of poverty.