Hmm... here goes third person writing...
Shannon has been reading the Walden Effect blog for a little over a year it seems... since around Jan 2009 he thinks. He is a full time Unix/Net/Security administrator. In his off-time he enjoys camping, backpacking, flying planes, reading, and being a general jack of all trades and a master of few. Sometimes he volunteers too much of his time and money to non-profits. One of the worthy causes he volunteers for is Animal Rescue Flights.
He's pretty burned out with the typical life of an always connected American caught in the rat race and dreams of a simpler life. The path from here to there is a long one! He has his eye on some land in the Ozarks near friends... and just might make the leap one day.
He presently lives in Louisiana on three acres with a couple of Labradors, one of which is named Anna ( ! ) and the other Downy.
Aw, you named a dog after me.
(I know you didn't, but just let me pretend so I feel special, okay?)
I'm thrilled you made a page! I was hoping you would. Third person really isn't mandatory, though. Not sure where that started.
Probably in the pages I made up for other people because they were just too slow to make their own!