Hello Anna!
I've been fascinated by your homesteading journey. Your posts are beautiful and have an uncanny parallel with the issues we face on our farm. Scott and I started with chickens and have expended to include a milk cow, a small beef herd, 3 summer feeder pigs and two ducks. We raise all of our meat, sell some, and use the rest as barter with our neighbors for hay and help. With all that poo, I finally started a lasagna garden last spring to work towards vegetable self sufficiency. I'm watching your cover crop and grain amaranth experiences with much interest. I'll try hull-less oats and meal corn next year. I'm learning to can a little, but need to learn more about how to store root crops and other cellar foods. Our orchard should start producing more this next year. I almost started bees last spring, but wasn't ready for the start-up cost since Scott quit our last outside job in April. Both of us come from "town people" who think we're a little wacky, so it's a pleasure to connect with people who find self-sufficiency a noble goal, too. Your blog helps us feel like we're not in this alone.
Thanks for sharing your world with the world.
Karen Baldwin City, KS
Hello Anna,
You've inspired me to start a blog about my own farm experiences. Every day is an adventure. Check it out at:
I always enjoy your posts!