I used to only know sumac as the tree my mom used for making a strange tea. The sumac trees here, planted behind a retaining wall, I paid little attention to for years. Until I noticed how plump and vibrant the clusters of tiny red berries were at their peak. Snipped off dozens with scissors, as high as I could reach.
After drying my sumac harvest and rubbing the berries off the bobs, I ground it by hand with mortar and pestle.
Passed through a sieve to remove the seeds and stems, an amazing spice emerged.
This is the first time I've processed a spice. It reminds me of processing tobacco in the barn as a kid. So tactile, hands become sticky with dry sap, and it smells amazing.
I'm looking forward to trying the tart earthiness of sumac in many dishes this fall.
Thanks for perking my memories of elderberry-sumac tea, first noted in one of Euell Gibbons' books, back when I was new to Appalachia --tho, of course, sumac also grows in Massachusetts! it's rue, Sumac is s-o sticky!
I wonder how your dried sumac wd taste, in chili, and, actually, in "lemon" cookies...the list goes on.
Dear Sumac harvester Please let me know, the difference between 1- Sumac 2- Sumac bran 3- Sumac grain
Best regards Hamid 30.May.2019