(This picture of Mark and Artemesia is totally unrelated to this post. But aren't they cute together?)
back to the point.... I'm experimenting with offering some of my ebooks
beyond Amazon at the moment, and I'm hoping I can bribe you into
helping me out by leaving a review on one or more of the new sites. I
decided to start off with Permaculture Chicken: Incubation Handbook and The Naturally Bug-Free Garden.
The first book is perfect for folks who are considering hatching
homegrown chicks this spring (or who just want to learn about pasturing
very young birds) while the second will get your garden off to a good
start (and will be hitting bookstores next month!).
But don't take my word for it! You can download a free epub copy of either or both between now and February 11. Just use the code QB38N at Smashwords for Incubation Handbook and the code SX87Z at Smashwords for The Naturally Bug-Free Garden.
Then, if you enjoy what you read, please use the links below to leave
reviews on any retailers where you have an account (and also feel free
to copy and paste reviews from Amazon if you've already read and
reviewed there).
Here are the links for Permaculture Chicken: Incubation Handbook:
And for The Naturally Bug-Free Garden:
"Yeah, yeah," I can hear you
saying. "What's in it for me?" I'm glad you asked. I really appreciate
the time you take leaving your reviews, so if you do so on any of the
sites listed above (including Smashwords and Amazon), you'll be eligible
to enter our giveaway using the widget below. One lucky winner will take home a heaping helping of homesteading books:
a $92 value, and a huge amount of homesteading wisdom at your
fingertips --- I hope the bribe is sufficient to get you to enter. Thanks in advance for your help as I expand my readership beyond Amazon!
I will work on reviewing your books on all of these sites, but it does take quite a while since I have to make and verify accounts on most of them. I am sorry to say that I still need to leave some reviews for books of yours that I read a long time ago, and I will also do those on each of these sites to make up for it!
Keep up the good work! Thank you for the free epub codes!
As far as I can tell, there will be several links for the tolino versions, since you can download the books from any one of several tolino distributors.
For example, from the tolino main page, there is a link to the lower left called "Zum Webreader" (to the web reader!), which takes you to a page explaining how the web reader works. On that page, if you scroll down, there is a section titled "Bitte wählen Sie Ihren tolino Händler" (Please choose your tolino distributor), with links to, e.g. Hugendubel.de, Weltbild.de, etc. Each of those distributors has their own links to Anna's books.
Clicking on any of the distributor links on the tolino web reader page will take you to a sample library with three German books and a popup inviting you to "Entdecken Sie die tolino Welt" (discover the tolino world). Closing the popup, clicking the link to the distributor's homepage at the very top, and searching for Anna's titles is the fastest way I found to get there.
For example, the Hugendubel links are here: Incubation Handbook Naturally Bug Free Garden
It looks like you have to create an account and log in to leave a review, so more German required!
Hope this helps!
Angie --- Thanks for your kind words!
Jake --- Thanks for deciphering the Tolino site! I supposed if I really wanted to sell books there, I'd write a book description in German. One of these days....