Even though the technical name for
strawberries that crop all at once is "June-bearing," our
June-bearers are usually May-bearers. This year's cool
spring pushed the fruits forward in time, but even so, we're
nearing the end of our harvest
Monday, I put the last load in the dehydrator (bringing us to over
two gallons of strawberry leather preserved for winter), and ever
since we've been gorging on a mere 3 quarts a day.
Next year, matters will be different because
we'll once again have a late-bearing
variety to join our early and midseason varieties. I ordered 25
Sparkle strawberries from Nourse Farms and have been highly
impressed by the plants' vigor. The roots were about four
times as large as those I got from Burgess last year, and the
plants are already trying to bloom. (I snip the flowers off
so we'll get good crops next year.)
In the meantime,
we're eating red raspberries, the first black raspberries, and are
hoping the blueberries and gooseberries start to bear before the
last strawberries disappear. It's so sweet to have eaten no
storebought fruit for weeks.
I do envy you! Our climate means I have been harvesting a bedrudging everybearing strawberry crop for a month-never enough to satisfy, but am still waiting raspberries- black, red and yellow. The red does look hopeful this year though.
I think I will put in some junebearing for next year. I am a binge personality type anyway.
Although I am looking forward to the four (everbearing) strawberries in my new very small scale aquaponics system....