Has anyone out there
ever dealt with goat external parasites? I think Aurora must have
picked up some kind of biters, because she's been acting funny for the
last few days. She'll be grazing quite happily...then she leaps and
stomps and runs as if trying to evade a wasp. Unfortunately, there
never is a wasp, so she can't escape.
Have any of you
experienced goatkeepers dealt with anything similar? The internet
suggests that if we do have some kind of external parasite, we could
try shaving her, treating her with diatomaceous earth or various
insecticides, or just leaving her alone on the theory it'll likely go
away on its own.
Pre Beloved-goat-fading-away-to-die-a-terrible-death Anna would have
shrugged and figured Aurora would fight it off on her own, while Post
Bcfatdatd Anna is considering setting up a vet appointment for what is
likely only a minor ailment. Reality checks accepted and appreciated.