Our garden is full of
life in the spring...just perhaps not the kind of life I was hoping
for. This turkey, for example, has been showing up every other day for
over a week. She'd better not go after our strawberries because there's
still a week of spring turkey season left. Just saying....
Your recent posts have been making me think of my Dad. He passed away 2 years ago and we're still finding things that make us smile. (He was almost 90 and had lived a good and full life. His death was sad, but not a tragedy. This makes it easier.)
Dad had a special penchant about birds and his fruit garden. To convince birds not to want his strawberries, one of his 'tricks' was to paint strawberry sized rocks red. He scattered them in his strawberry patch early - before any 'real' berries were ripe. The birds pecked on the red rocks and quickly lost interest. Mostly....
Turkeys are heck on my muskmellons, too!