If there is any interest,
I would like to add some up-to-date information on my square foot
garden and offer some answers to raised questions.
On this date, June 29, 2013, I now have 19 square foot garden beds
(last reported was 13 - I've added six, 3' x 8' beds). This is so
addicting!!! I am now in my seventh year.
In the garden area, the grass is now gone (covered by newspaper,
cardboard, mulch and woodchips). I found the constant mowing,
trimming and pulling of weeds a waste of time and a real pain. The
most recent benefit is when the latest storms hit, my soil became
a "mosh pit" of clay while the mulched area was well drained and

Your readers have a real
fascination with my bamboo trellis. It was made from a childhood
memory of an old Italian gardener neighbor. Somewhat a testament
to him. He truly loved his garden and would always go that
extra mile to make things, just right, just so. This memory goes
back to the 60's.
It took me hours to construct and was based on using 8 foot
sections of bamboo, jute twine and a refamiliarization of an old
Boy Scout handbook with lessons on "rope lashing." After a couple
of hard Upstate New York winters, the jute rotted and had to be
constantly maintained.
Needing something more beefy and multifunctional, I discovered
cattle fencing with wood framing. Since my standard beds are 3' x
8', I can simply unbolt my frames from the beds and use elsewhere
(crop rotation). I am also am a user of 24" Texas Tomato cages.
With them, in a 4' x 4' bed, I can plant 16 each saladette or
cherry tomato plants and not have them tumble over with the weight
of hundreds and hundreds of tomatoes.

In one 3' x 8' bed, I have
24 cucumber plants started and growing totally vertical. That's
one plant per square foot.
Yes, the elegant bamboo frame is now gone (not really, taken apart
and repurposed). I still enjoy the memory of making it and the
images of my old Italian neighbor in his garden who spent the
majority of his day there tending it and feeding his family.
I constantly experiment. The cardboard boxes in the beds shown,
were in fact, the mini planting areas for fingerling potatoes. The
boxes allowed me to bury deep and by stacking another, I could
hill the potatoes higher by adding another cardboard box. Did it
work, yes, but not really a sure winner of an idea. Win some, lose
This year experiments include 3 full 3'x8' beds of fall planted
hard neck rocambole garlic. I have added Azomite, kelp meal, and I
just started spraying compost tea to this years' crop. Shortly, I
hope to obtain rabbit manure, compost it, and then add red
wigglers for their castings. All to add to the beds in the fall.
It's all about building up the soil.
We are now deep into canning, freezing, and dehydrating. This
year's garlic scape pesto is beyond belief!

As a reminder, I live in
suburbia. My neighbors pray to the ChemLawn Gods. "Why grow
your own when a grocery store is a half mile away?" So
sayeth the neighbors. Frankly, trying to live a sustainable
lifestyle up here is a hard sell with this bunch. Wait when they
see the chickens in a few years!
I believe, loosely, with slight modifications, square foot
gardening works and is legitimate method for all experience levels
based on their available land, soil conditions and neighborhoods.
I will also note and praise, I envy your lifestyle and your more
rural conditions.
Would also like to add, in addition to the methods used by the
Dervaes family, I would also recommend and make mention to your
readers to watch the Youtube videos of Laszlo Horvath and
GrowingYourGreens. They have taken suburban square foot gardening
to new levels and demonstrate its viability.
Best wishes from Upstate New York.
--- Ron