Red Empire apple taste test
Technically, the only
fruit my stomach can handle easily right now is bananas. But when a few
of our homegrown apples ripened up, I couldn't resist risking a small

We'd eaten Virginia
Beauties and Enterprise
before, so the new variety being tested this time around was Red
Empire. The sole fruit that ripened on the tree is certainly a beauty
--- brilliantly red and shiny. But how would it taste?
Of the three apples ripe
this week, Mark gave Red Empire two thumbs up and deemed it his
favorite. I preferred the more dense flesh and higher acidity of
Virginia Beauty, but didn't mind the crisp sweetness of Red Empire at
all. Definitely a tasty apple to have in the orchard!
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Anna Hess and Mark Hamilton spent over a decade living self-sufficiently in the mountains of Virginia before moving north to start over from scratch in the foothills of Ohio. They've experimented with permaculture, no-till gardening, trailersteading, home-based microbusinesses and much more, writing about their adventures in both blogs and books.
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