This is the time of year
when any mistake you made in the garden amplifies by the second. If,
like me, you left last year's mistakes alone to be dealt with later,
your garden may look more like a weedy lawn than a growing space. (At
least the goats are impressed!)
Conventional gardeners
fix these troubled spots by tilling (and maybe tilling again). I'm
instead solarizing some areas, kill mulching others, and (for the easy
spots) hand weeding and following up with cover crops (buckwheat and
soybeans). I cover the first two of these methods in Small-Scale Gardening Basics and the
last in Homegrown Humus if you
want to follow my lead.
Then, once the garden is
reclaimed, I mulch heavily to maintain my tenuous win over the weeds.
Win, lose, or draw, I generally get at least some harvest, plus many
beautiful mornings in the garden to I guess it's really
always a win.