At this time of year,
I'm always torn in several directions. I want to weed and
mulch the fall crops so they'll get off to a good start, but I
also want to take some time to pull back weeds around the woody
perennials so the weeds don't go to seed. Luckily, this year
I have Kayla to help me out --- she can weed the carrots while I
hit the raspberries.
Even with Kayla's
help, though, I'm being a lazy weeder so that I can get to the
other time-sensitive garden tasks on my list (like finishing clearing
up the pastures).
I have a tendency to be obsessive about tasks like weeding, but if
I leave my trake behind and limit myself
to ripping up big weeds, I can work through a row of berries like
the one shown here in less than half an hour. Next up will
be a layer of newspaper to make up for the shoddy nature of my
weeding job, then some deep
bedding from the nearby chicken coop to feed the berries
during their fall root-growth spurt.