As Mark puts it, once the gardening year
really gets going, it's like riding a full speed locomotive --- good
luck slowing it down or changing course. I can already feel the
gardening locomotive picking up steam, with 32 beds slated to be
planted in March. (We plan to plant about 125 beds of annual
veggies this year, with the vast majority going in on our frost-free
date in May.)
This week, Mark and I went over to our neighbor's house to collect some
horse manure. We sell the neighbors veggies, and they throw their
peels and tops into a pile with their horse manure, which we then
collect in late winter to put back into the garden. Thursday I
raked 11 beds, removing the weeds and working the half-composted manure
and kitchen scraps into the soil. It would be better to let the
manure compost all the way, but at the rate of 2 gallons per 20 square
feet or so, the worms make short work of any organic matter. (I'd
love to double up on my manure application, but those horses will only
give me so much!) Read more....