So far, our
garden fence has been doing its job admirably. Sure, birds get in,
and I'm pretty sure a squirrel has been invading to gnaw seeds out of
my tomatoes. But the deer --- our area's major garden predators ---
nibble right up to the fenceline then stop.
Imagine my surprise when
I heard a strange, hoarse squealing coming from the direction of my
broccoli and zinnias last weekend. I peered out the window...then
yelled Mark's name so loud he thought someone was dying.
The problem turned out
to be an extra-small pig in our garden. I'm guessing it found its way
in under the gate.
Luckily, I saw the pig before it could do much damage, and we chased it
out to rejoin three other piglets roaming the road. A couple of hours
later, a pickup truck cruised by then the livestock were gone. If
they'd stayed around much longer, we would have had to beef up the
bottom edges of our fence!