Porch luxury
This has been a strange year
since we've had cash to pay experts to make some capital improvements
on the farm.
The barn
roof repair job was
definitely worth every penny, but it's only the beginning of a long
project of barn reorganization.
The porch, on the other
hand, is pure luxury.
Dining out in the open
air on a hot summer afternoon feels just as luxurious as sitting in
front of the wood
stove does in the
Both the wood stove and
the porch cut back on our electric bill, but they're really all about
enjoying life. You can tell an improvement is decadent when
Huckleberry moves right in.
Our chicken waterer never spills in tractors,
ensuring your birds don't die on hot summer days.
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About us:
Anna Hess and Mark Hamilton spent over a decade living self-sufficiently in the mountains of Virginia before moving north to start over from scratch in the foothills of Ohio. They've experimented with permaculture, no-till gardening, trailersteading, home-based microbusinesses and much more, writing about their adventures in both blogs and books.
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So I built the 12x18 foot porch where an existing (so called) car port existed just outside the backdoor. First the dogs, cats and mosquitoes moved in then the junk started to pile up. The dogs, cats and mosquitoes didn't mind the junk and now the only time I go there is to get to the workshop. What a waste of time and money as the dirt floor car port served the same purpose as the porch does now. The good part is the garden is on the other side of the house so I don't have to look at the porch/junk storage.
Ikwig --- I definitely recommend porch life! We've been spending lots of time out there.
Jen --- You're so right --- a porch makes life so different. It's amazing how I automatically relax as soon as I set foot on it.
Oldfool --- Excellent cautionary tale. When Bradley was building the porch, I kept thinking that we could do this and that and the other on the porch, but I think we've decided to keep it wide open and just use it as an exterior dining/relaxing space. All of the junk generally ends up in the barn, which is why it's such a daunting task to get that area turned into useable space....