power and phone are out, and look like they'll stay out for the near
future. Honestly, the hardest thing for me about life without the
grid is an inability to blog. We've made it to town for a quick check in so that I can upload the masses of posts I've written while off the grid --- I've set them to autopost over the next couple of days so that you'll have something to read while we're out of touch.
Don't feel rejected if
your comments don't show up until I return to the internet and if I
don't respond to your emails. We're thinking of you, in between
our efforts to stay warm and dry. Meanwhile, Happy Winter
Solstice! Merry Christmas! And, if the electric company
doesn't bring us back to the mainstream by then, Happy New Year!
Many thanks also to Joey for letting you know we're alive and well.
Can't live without us? Download our microbusiness ebook and have some fun reading while waiting for us to come back.
This post is part of our Two Weeks Without Electricity series.
Read all of the entries:
As much as it sucks to be incommunicado and without power (aside from the "Jenny") I'm sure there is some solace in the fact that you are well-prepared and have been honing your off grid living skills for several years now. I actually look forward to the first time the power/phone/roads go out for us so I can look at our fully-stocked, multi-colored pantry with dried and canned goods and our root cellar that doesn't need electricity to keep cool (but not freezing) and our chicken coop with fresh eggs, and our cords of firewood... then sit back in front of a warm fire so I can enjoy the feeling of security our hard work has won us.
Am I romanticizing? I'm sure I left out some stuff about soggy, wet socks and all...
PS: I know a certain "living off grid" blog that would make a perfect resource to which you could link from this article. (*ahem) LOL...
Seriously, I hope the two of you are safe and warm. Happy holidays!