I slipped out just
before dark to take a photograph under our three-box Warre hive to
see if bearding really meant they were
running out of room inside. It's a good thing the bees were
slowing down for the night, because even the underside of the
screened bottom was coated with bees! The out-of-focus photo
below is the best shot I could get inside, but it's pretty easy to
see that the bees needed more room.
Unfortunately, the
next day it rained. A two-hour break in showers was enough
to get the bees out and moving, so I figured I'd be able to nadir
the hive, even though I knew they'd be unruly. I suited up
very carefully because overcast days are the worst time to open up
a hive, and
the bees were definitely displeased with my actions. Good
thing I've got a few years of beekeeping under my belt now and
know to just take a step back, take a few deep breaths, and let
those angry ladies batter themselves vainly against my veil.
I didn't want to bother the colony longer
than necessary since the bees were so upset, so I just plopped the
fourth box underneath and went to peer at the entrance.
Warre hives have smaller openings than Langstroth hives do, and
this is one day the bees could probably have used more room.
There was a traffic jam of bees coming and going, but I was able
to see a lot of brilliant yellow-orange pollen on several of the
incoming bees. Sounds like the colony is still beefing
itself up by raising more brood --- here's hoping they don't eat
through their winter stores too quickly with so many new mouths to
I haven't written much about my other two hives in a while, but
that's because they aren't as busy. The workers are all out
harvesting the current nectar-and-pollen source, but I don't see
any signs that either hive might be running out of room. If
anything, I might end up taking the fourth box out from under our
two-year-old hive and giving it to our package hive if both
colonies keep acting the same way in the near future --- the
package hive has been filling boxes like crazy, while the
two-year-old hive seems quite content to use two-and-a-bit boxes
for the foreseeable future.