refusing to name the chickens in our flock, I can tell them all apart
and I enjoy watching their varied
personalities. On flock moving day, I opened the gate and rattled some
laying pellets and our two ancient hens came running fast as you
please. I think these two old birds would follow me anywhere ---
they've had four years on our farm to learn that my shovel turns up
worms, my bucket is full of compost, my wheelbarrow overflows with
chickweed, and my hands are sprinklers of grubs. Sure, the old
hens had to stop now and then to nibble on a luscious sprout along the
way, but they didn't veer off from my path.
young golden
comet is nearly as keen as the old girls, so she followed on their
heels, but the rooster was a bit dubious. He was raised by our white cochin,
whose sole purpose in the flock is mothering chicks, so he's a bit
leery of human contact. Still, when three quarters of his harem
fled the old pasture, the rooster decided he'd better follow
along. He was less attuned to the rattle of grain than to the
locations of his flock and danger, so I had to ask Mark to back off as
he filmed from the rear --- Mark's proximity was getting the rooster
too excited and I was afraid the whole flock would turn into a pillar
of salt (or maybe a herd of cats) if they looked back.
Within five minutes,
three hens and a rooster had walked calmly into their new pasture, but
the white cochin was nowhere to be seen. I closed the pasture
gate and headed back to
see where she'd gotten sidetracked, and was surprised to find her still
in the original pasture! She was remarkably unwilling to run
free, and I had to get behind her and chase her out the gate.
Even then, the cochin kept trying to double back and our least pastured
hen was finally ignominously carried to her new home. While her
flockmates were scratching through leaves and chowing down on
chickweed, the white hen wandered aimlessly through the pasture,
showing the clear difference genetics can make in a hen's foraging
Stay tuned for more on
the flock's introduction to their new pasture and on our chicken plans
for 2011.