You're probably aware
that tomatoes won't set fruits when temperatures exceed 85. But did you
know that summer squash can be equally sensitive to wild weather?
Mark and I have been
eating summer squash for a week or two now, and I only realized that
was a fly in the ointment when I went to show off flowers to the
neighbor kids. "Can you tell which ones are females?" I asked...then
furrowed my brow as I realized there were almost no female flowers
currently present on my plants.
While it's perfectly
normal for squash plants to open lots of male blooms and no females as
they're maturing, after that I'm used to seeing at least as many
females as males. However, we've had really hot weather recently and
I've only been watering plants that appear to need it (not the squash).
Apparently that stressed the plants enough to make them abort most of
their female fruits.
I've now added squash
back into my watering rotation, and will hope that's enough to put
their offspring back on our plates. I'm sure we'll be sick of squash by
autumn, but for now it's a treat to harvest each ripe, yellow fruit.