Lunchtime series on vacation
lunchtime series will be going on summer vacation starting this week
--- the winter is over and I'm itching to be outside doing (or at least
napping under the peach tree) rather than indoors pondering.
There may be a few series sprinkled through the summer, but they'll be
erratic until cold weather sends me back to my books.
For those of you who go
into withdrawal with only two posts from us per day, why not check out
some of our other blogs?
- Our chicken blog
is my favorite spot for rambling at length about chicken pastures,
chicken behavior, and more. I also post updates and tips about
our chicken waterer there.
- Our deer deterrent blog
is Mark's inventing website --- those of you who get a kick out of his
ability to make something from nothing will really enjoy it. And,
of course, you can learn some great tips about keeping deer out of your
is where I post longer musings on living simply and making a living
with an internet business.
I also include updates about our ebooks over there, so be sure to
subscribe if you want to know as soon as ebooks are ready.
- Cosmic cookout is
where Mark ponders or debunks conspiracy theories, the physics of
consciousness, and the disclosure movement.
- Clinchtrails is where I
post photographs that are too pretty not to share but that don't fit in
any post, along with bits and pieces about natural history and trips.
Stay tuned for
tomorrow's lunchtime post to explain the exciting side of lunchtime
series being on vacation!
Want more in-depth information?
Browse through our books.
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by subject.
About us:
Anna Hess and Mark Hamilton spent over a decade living self-sufficiently in the mountains of Virginia before moving north to start over from scratch in the foothills of Ohio. They've experimented with permaculture, no-till gardening, trailersteading, home-based microbusinesses and much more, writing about their adventures in both blogs and books.
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