I never heard back from four
of our Egyptian
onion winners.
So this is the last call for Barb, Monica, JT, and Stan --- please drop
me an email with your mailing address ASAP if you'd like your onions!
Since I suspect some or
all of those winners may have wandered away and won't check back, I'm
also selecting four runnersup. Kerry, Sharon, Brian, and Carmen
--- if I get your email before I hear from the original winners, I'll
send the box of onions to your garden instead.
Finally, if you're still
itching to win something, our 2012
chicken photo contest
is up and running. We're giving away $300 worth of waterers this
year as a thank you to all of our customers. Stay tuned to our chicken blog to see some of the best
entries as they come pouring in.