Thursday night, our new chick (nicknamed
Thanksgiving Dinner), squeezed out of the brood coop through a tiny
hole. His mother couldn't follow him, and apparently he wasn't
bright enough to squeeze back in.
Temperatures dropped to the low fifties. When I found
Thanksgiving Dinner the next morning, he was cold and peeping
desperately. I popped him back into the brood coop, but Mama Hen
no longer seemed interested in him despite his obvious need for warmth.
The next best bet, I figured, was to rig up a light over a box to warm
him the way you do with motherless chicks. The problem is that
completely converted over to compact fluorescents and don't have a
single incandescent bulb left in the house! I dashed to town, but
by the time I got home an hour later, Thanksgiving Dinner had given up
the ghost.
I honestly can't blame this second chick death on Mama Hen. It's
entirely my fault for not chick-proofing the walls of the brood coop
better (and for not keeping an incandescent bulb on hand for
emergencies.) I feel awfully guilty (strange since I was going to
eat him in a few months anyway!), but have resolved to try again in the
spring. I suspect our second attempt will be a lot more
successful --- surely we've done everything wrong that we possibly
could on this first attempt!