thought the drying
season had left us
behind, but this week the sun came back out and let me test a few
tomatoes in our automotive dehydrator. It tickles me pink to be
drying vegetables in a totaled
car, even if it is
running fine and useful for ferrying supplies back and forth rather
than being up on blocks in the front yard. My test tray dried
nicely, so today I'll add more tomatoes to the drier.
goal is to make Mark stop talking about our movie star neighbor's
sun-dried tomatoes and start talking about mine. Hollywood sun-dried
tomatoes (as I've decided to call the delicious concoction) are so
tasty you can't keep them in the fridge or they'll be gone
Part 1 of the recipe is
simple --- slice plum-sized romas or other small, meaty tomatoes in
half, sprinkle the cut side with a hint of salt and pepper, and dry
until slightly moist (like a dried apricot). Stay tuned for the
taste explosion of part 2 once I have enough tomato morsels dried to
show you the steps.