Egg production went way down
about a month ago, but I wrote it off as our ancient hens hitting
"menopause." I should have searched harder for the answer --- 24
eggs hiding in the deep grass of the pasture!
Usually, our chickens
are very good about laying in the nest box since we keep it comfy with
clean straw or leaves and seed the
pot with golf balls. But a lot of factors have made the spot
less conducive to laying lately. First, the broody
hen took over the box, then the tweens got bigger and bigger until
the huge coop Mark built me started to feel cramped. I guess that
with two strikes against the coop, the straw-like, dense grass matted
down in parts of the pasture looked more like a nest.
Egg production rebounded
about a week ago, so I'm hoping the naughty hens have decided to
behave. These old eggs would probably be fine, but since we're
not desperate, we'll use them to give Lucy a treat for the next few
You can test the freshness of an egg by placing it in water, if it sinks it is ok, if it floats it is not.
More detailed instructions are on this site:
My apologies to Lucy if this deprives her of some tasty treats.