Mark's hernia surgery
was yesterday, and it went off without a hitch. Elapsed time including
driving, anesthesia, and recovery was 7 hours. Actual time under the
knife? 30 minutes or less.
The nurse said today
will be the time of peak soreness. So if you want to send some healing
thoughts his way, I'm sure Mark will much appreciate the boost.
As for blogging ---
he'll be on light duty for at least three more weeks (no lifting, pushing, or
pulling more than 30 pounds during that period). But without the nearly
daily pain that was interrupting his life during to the runup to the
surgery, I suspect he'll have something interesting to post about
before that time has elapsed. So stay tuned!
(The image above is our
neighbor's two-day-old calf. I thought you'd rather see that than
Mark's surgical wound....)
Get well, Mark!
But, don't be a hero either.... My wife had this done a long time ago. She healed up fine and never looked back. I had an employee who also had this done. He tried to come back too soon and had to enjoy a second round of fun. Take a lesson: Go easy and follow the Dr.'s orders. We're pullin' for ya! Get well soon. You'll be as good as ever.
Glad all is well. Best wishes.