The book instructed us to feed our bees for the first few months to
help them get established in their hive, so I've been dutifully mixing
sugar with water and they've been lapping it up. Yesterday, I
pulled the feeder out into the open (it usually sticks into the
entrance) because it seemed to be leaking and I wanted to keep an eye
on it. Now I'm not so sure about leakage --- even out in the open
the bees consumed a couple of cups of sugar water yesterday.
I notice that the workers who go out on forays beyond the feeder all
seem to come back with full pollen sacs (like the one on the right),
which I guess means the sugar water is fulfilling their other needs
pretty well. That's the goal --- to give them a jump start as
they build up their colony.
I continue to be impressed by how tame our bees are --- I had the lens
nearly touching the bee above when I took her picture and I sat a few
inches from the hive for several minutes without wearing a veil, and in
both cases no one bothered me. Such good little bees!