I never realized how
much joy I got out of our homegrown produce...until I stopped being
able to eat anything except scrambled eggs, yogurt, plain brown rice,
and steamed green beans and okra.
I'll spare you the
bowel-related details, but the short version is that I've been doing
poorly for over a month now. In fact, I even went to the nurse
practitioner twice and have an appointment with a gastroenterologist in
a few weeks.
(Yes, I am aware that I
pulled out the big guns the instant our darling doeling mentioned a
tummy upset and waited 2.5 weeks to treat myself. There's nothing
odd about that...really.)
To people who know me in
real life --- I'm sorry if I don't currently have the oomph to fulfill
my usual roles! And to the rest of you --- I appreciate you bearing
with my less interesting posts while I take it easy. Maybe some pretty
pictures will make up for not having anything farm-related to report?
Dear Anna: You and your husband have become an important part of my daily ritual. Thank you for sharing your life, your blog, your interests, your selves. Please feel better, take care of yourself. You are loved.
Anna, from someone who deals with stomach issues on a regular basis, have you tried raw apple cider vinegar with the mother? I take a large spoon with a spoon of raw honey in a glass of water with my meal when my stomach starts acting up. To me the taste resembles lemonade.
My mother has also been having stomach issues and the Dr’s couldn’t do anything for her. Through her research she found that in many cases our stomachs aren’t producing enough acid especially if we have been on nexium or similar medications designed to reduce the acid in our stomachs. These are symptom focused drugs and don’t treat the root causes. She has found a pill that helps restore your stomach and has gone from like you not being able to eat anything to being able to eat just about anything. She is working with her chiropractor who is also doing herbal medicine and homeopathy. I’ll find out what it is and post it here so you can do your own research. In the mean time try the vinegar. It helps me and it helped my mother some.
p.s.- Another helpful read was "How and when to use doctors" by Isabelle Moser on the web as a free pdf.
Hi Anna and Mark,
Sorry you are still not up to par Anna- and sorry I had not further inquired... Bad of me to assume you sloughed it off in your usual fare.' I will mail you some Digize - you rub it on your stomach area?? Never hurts to try. I know several who swear by it. It is a mixture of several oils - tarragon, ginger, peppermint to name a few.
Well, I thick you should warrant at least the same amount of care as you give to your livestock.
To take care of the farm you should take care of yourself first!
I hope that the visit to the gastroenterologist yields a diagnosis.