It was warm enough to continue the ditch
digging operation today which will be running from the hand dug well to
the trailer through the garden.
The goal will be to prevent any future freezing of the line thanks to
the warmer temperatures underground.
I don't think I'll miss carrying water in 5 gallon buckets, but it
really isn't all that difficult once you get the hang of it.
We're very lucky with our rock-free soil. Actually, it's more of a surprise to see a rock in a digging project than not here! I really like your idea about double pipes to protect the inner pipe, but I think we're going to see if we can get away with a single layer.
I'm not actually sure what kind of pipe we're using --- we get so much free stuff, and this is some of that. It was a pipe someone had used to bring water up out of a well...