We got the Chopper
1 axe up and running thanks to a couple of replacement springs
and clips from the Chopper 1 website.
I've only just started using it, but I can already say I like it a lot.
It feels like I'm getting more splitting action for less energy input,
which is a very good thing. What I like most so far is the feeling of
increased safety. When there's not enough power to split the log
the Chopper 1 just sort of bounces as opposed to grazing off out of
control like the Super
Splitter has been known to do if your aim is a little off.
Credit goes to Anna for capturing the exact moment when the Chopper 1 is
completing a split.
Your ax is identical to the super splitter!
Mark looks a bit funny in that photo because you can't see his whole wood splitting dance.
He actually hops up a bit to give his blow more force.
I think you're right about sharpening the Chopper --- I was thinking the same thing. (But I don't really know since I don't do much of the chopping...)