used to think I had a favorite season, but
recently I've discovered that I just like seasons in general. I
love the way you can start to feel winter losing its grip on the world
by New Year's, when the days get noticeably longer. And now, in
the middle of the dog days of
summer, I cherish
the first inklings of
fall in the air.
Autumn flowers are slowly opening --- first a shade-tolerant goldenrod,
then this woodland sunflower, then hints of ironweed and Joe Pye
weed. Here and there, a drought-stressed tree loses a brilliantly
colored leaf, and I continue to plant the fall
garden (peas and
this week.)
This post has no thesis,
except this --- I would be a very bad candidate to retire to Florida.
I love seasons as well. I've seen and heard the geese heading south already the past couple of days, and I love the reminder of the cold weather in the midst of all this heat!
I was so unhappy in AZ where everything felt kind of backward. Fall always felt like spring because we'd just spent all summer closeted inside, and could be comfortable going out again. It was all just too weird for a four seasons girl like me.
I'm another one who likes having changing seasons; it seems to me that there is something to love in every season, but when seasons don't behave the way they're supposed to (for instance, 95 degree days in October), I get cranky!
It's starting to sound like late summer here, and the reminder that this season is starting to wind slowly down is enough to get my mind off the heat and instead to glory in the the season's bounty and joys!![:)](../../smileys/smile.png)