We got into the free bees program!
It's almost too late to order bees for this year, but we'll have three
more groups of bees ("packages") arriving May 7 to join our previously
ordered package arriving in mid April.
Meanwhile, we picked up all of the parts we'll need to get four new
hives going. Rather than ordering online, we found a local
father-son operation an hour and a half down the road and spent a very
pleasant 45 minutes bantering with the duo and soaking up their
combined knowledge.
I'm so excited to have all of this new equipment. Partly, it lays
my mind at rest because now I won't have to worry that whatever killed
the bees in our old equipment will kill our new bees. Mostly,
though, I think my joy stems from a childhood of hand-me-downs ---
lunchboxes with cartoon characters I didn't care for and discarded
library books under the Christmas tree. I've grown up to believe
in frugality and reusing, but something about the hand-me-down bee
boxes hit an old nerve. I wanted a fancy modern box with a
screened bottom board so that I could monitor varroa mite
populations! Now that I have it, maybe I should paint Papa Smurf
on it and lay all of those old anguishs to rest?