How wonderful!!! What variety is your rooster? They look healthy and happy. I've got a broody hen setting a little clutch (she's a banty) right now, but I don't have high hopes for a good hatch. She refuses to use the area I set up for such purposes, and I gave up and let her set in my nest box, where broken eggs often occur.
Michelle --- Our rooster is either a black australorp or an australorp/marans mix. (We had both types of mother in the flock, and we didn't run a maternity test. ) So these guys are either half australorp and half marans or three-quarters marans and one-quarter australorp.
We've had a terrible time getting hens to go broody on our schedule, so I know what you're going through. This is our first really successful one (except for a cochin who hatched one chick a few years ago).
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Cool. What an easy hatch! My grandfather kept cochins and they used to hatch little chicks all the time.
Michelle --- Our rooster is either a black australorp or an australorp/marans mix. (We had both types of mother in the flock, and we didn't run a maternity test.
) So these guys are either half australorp and half marans or three-quarters marans and one-quarter australorp.
We've had a terrible time getting hens to go broody on our schedule, so I know what you're going through. This is our first really successful one (except for a cochin who hatched one chick a few years ago).